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Head Strikes!!!!


New Member
The head height is set to high for printing banners and low for self adhesive vinyls.

So if my vacuum is meant to turn off when the lever is lifted how do I reinstate this?


i can't answer for the vacuum, but keep the head height set to high at all times to avoid strikes on vinyl.


New Member
I was told to only run the head height high for banners!
I have noticed blurring when printing self adhesive with the head set to high.



Quit buggin' me
I was told to only run the head height high for banners!
I have noticed blurring when printing self adhesive with the head set to high.

I have the smaller 1304 brother to the 1604 so there may be some difference I don't know about but I see no difference in the print quality between the 2 head height settings.
I got used to keeping the head high while running a bunch of no name brand intermediate vinyl that came straight out of Asia. It would only run with the head up. It looked fine printed that way and keeping it high seems to work just as well on name brand intermediates and cast vinyl from 3M and Oracal.
Is it just small text & detailed graphics that look blurry run high or everything coming out has issues?

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
You need to do the bi-directional adjustment if your print gets fuzzy edges when the head height is set to high when printng on thin material like self adhesive vinyl. This is because the gap between the head surface and the media is now bigger and this changes the time from when the ink droplet leaves the head to when it lands on the media.

Printing at the high setting may get rid of head strikes but will still affect print quality if your media is tunnelling or corrugating. No mattter what the head height is set to, the media must always remain flat while printing.
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