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Need Help Help-Can I use this logo?


New Member
Hello everyone,

Im desiging a graphic kit for my client. His bike is called a Husqvarna and the official (Husqvarna logo) has Arial font used (See image)

Am i aloud to use just the letters saying Husqvarna in Arial font still? Not the symbol at the start


  • 2000px-Husqvarna_logo.svg.png
    45.8 KB · Views: 628


Premium Subscriber
Technically or legally...... no. Allowed to use it........ no.

Do people use it, yes and quite often. It all depends on your values and integrity.


Premium Subscriber
what about if i just use a font whats similar and not exactly the same?

That's a very good question. No.

You see, then you'd be considered copying and doing a lousy job of it. Another reason, you are not to copy trademarks or registered logos.

See, when someone or some company goes to the trouble of going through with all of the trademark hocus-pocus, it's for a reason. They don't want you copying it in any sense that resembles or insinuates their name. They want to keep the good values related to their name theirs. They will give permission to who they see fit for whatever reasons they see fit, but only THEY can determine that. Not you by altering it. Like I said, if you have any values on what is decent or not...... you won't copy someone's trademark without written permission.


New Member
That's a very good question. No.

You see, then you'd be considered copying and doing a lousy job of it. Another reason, you are not to copy trademarks or registered logos.

See, when someone or some company goes to the trouble of going through with all of the trademark hocus-pocus, it's for a reason. They don't want you copying it in any sense that resembles or insinuates their name. They want to keep the good values related to their name theirs. They will give permission to who they see fit for whatever reasons they see fit, but only THEY can determine that. Not you by altering it. Like I said, if you have any values on what is decent or not...... you won't copy someone's trademark without written permission.
Ok I will avoid that. Thanks for your help


Premium Subscriber
Glad you understand. For once someone takes advice without biting my head off. Thank you.

I just noticed you're from England. Laws could be different there, but I think it will still stand.​

To take this one step further, how are you going to remedy this with your customer who wants this ??

How do other people give the client something they want, without breaking the law ??


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
A trademark is primarily a name, and secondary, a graphic. Just because something is a trademark, doesn't mean you can't use it. -- If you contacted Husqvarna, they probably wouldn't have a problem with a signshop recreating a logo for a customer's bike (unless they have an actual replacement graphic that they sell).

We reproduce logos all the time for promotional use i.e. co-sponsors with a local distributor for a local event -- no company would ever disallow such use nor would they ever get their panties in a bunch about it -- it is, after all, free promotion for them.

Also, I have recreated and output many sponsor logos for racing bikes -- none of these companies would ever bitch. Saves them having to cough up artwork.

So, as I've said, the only way Husq would have any problems with you recreating their logo, would be if they were selling a replacement graphic for that particular bike and that'd be cutting into their business... Otherwise, just go ahead and do it.

Common sense prevails.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
I just noticed you're from England. Laws could be different there, but I think it will still stand.

US, UK and Canadian copyright laws are pretty much aligned and harmonized. What is applicable in one country is almost certainly going to be the same in the other two on major points like this.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
And how is that relevant to the OP's question, Gino?

The OP's customer wants to put a Husqy logo on a Husqy bike that he owns. There should be no problem with that, whatsover, as long long as Husqy isn't selling a similar graphic.

Think of it like the owner of a McDonalds franchise wants a magnet with a logo on it to stick on a car for a parade, but you don't have artwork for it. Are you allowed to recreate it? Of course, you are. Some stickler companies may want to see a proof before-hand, but that's just them looking after their image.


Premium Subscriber
And how is that relevant to the OP's question, Gino?

The OP's customer wants to put a Husqy logo on a Husqy bike that he owns. There should be no problem with that, whatsover, as long long as Husqy isn't selling a similar graphic.

Think of it like the owner of a McDonalds franchise wants a magnet with a logo on it to stick on a car for a parade, but you don't have artwork for it. Are you allowed to recreate it? Of course, you are. Some stickler companies may want to see a proof before-hand, but that's just them looking after their image.

Granted, if the end-user was interested in getting the actual logo, he'd hafta go through certain channels. However, the OP here, has asked if he could alter it or not use certain portions. The reason this trademark stuff is so outta hand is because, the owner of the trademark, might not want to be associated with how the logo is gonna be used or who wants to copy it. Therefore, across the board, there must be a rule in place. As far as I know, ya can't break the rules for this person and not for that person. How does the trademark owner know they can even reproduce it according to their specs ?? They don't.

I think what we're both saying, but I'm reluctant to give in on is that you are taking for granted that the logo will be reproduced properly by some sign shop. If there is some hack doing this stuff, and putting out total crappola, again, the rules apply. The owner must protect their image and it might mean having written permission to prove that very fact. Someone will go to those lengths if they need to.

Now, do people do it..... heck yeah..... all the time. That's why I said that it depends on your values and integrity.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Trademark law does NOT forbid re-creation (what you are calling copying). What Trademark law actually does is forbid unauthorized use and provide a legal structure for a trademark owner to recover damages from unauthorized use.

The OP was concerned about re-creation (COPYING) and was wondering if leaving something out (the logomark) might help him skirt what he perceives as a NO-COPY rule. However, there is no NO-COPY rule when it comes to trademarks. But there is an UNAUTHORIZED USE rule.

What is authorized use and what is unauthorized use is determined by the owner of the trademark and must be enforced by the owner of the trademark.

And I think it is fair to say that putting a Husqy logo on a Husqy bike would easily fall into AUTHORIZED use. But, the OP may want to check, just to be sure.


New Member
I would not sweat it.It's only one bike.Yes like above have said laws are laws.But c'mon .Who has ever heard of small timers like most of us here ever getting into trouble for something like this.If your doing thousands of bikes different story.Make the sticker.Change it up a little if your paranoid.

Russell J. Bean

New Member
You can use any logo on a customers bike/car. They own that vehicle and they aren't selling it for profit to gain from the company. If you have a lotus and put a Ferrari logo in it that's different. But you as the designer won't be in trouble. They sell lots o logos cd. Which is copyrighted by the companies. You simply state, this is for my time not for the sake or resale of a business that is trademarked. Look at pinstriping, if you hand pinstripe Harley on a tank that's not illegal technically it's your art.

Decal Dennis

New Member
I am a Husqvarna dealer.....I know they allow me to reproduce the logo and any lettering that goes along with it has to be a very specific font. I'd say go for it, it's free advertising for them.

I could text my rep if you want and find out for sure.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
You can use any logo on a customers bike/car. They own that vehicle and they aren't selling it for profit to gain from the company. If you have a lotus and put a Ferrari logo in it that's different.

It's your ride, you can do pretty much whatever you want to it. Including the Ferrari badges.

Many years ago, probably back before you were born, thee was a red Fiat Spider running around San Jose CA with all of the Fiat badges replaced with Ferrari badges. Got a lot of looks but no black helicopters arrived with guys rappelling down ropes to slap the cuffs on the owner and hustle him off to trademark prison.

So you whomp up a Husqvarna logo for some guys bike. Does anyone really think that this is going to have any effect at all on the course of history? Or that any other organism In the universe gives a pinch of clotted gorilla snot


Premium Subscriber
The Husqvarna rep just happen to show up today, he said only authorized people, such as a dealer/me are allowed to reproduce it. Of course that may not stop people tho.


The others are just gambling on not getting caught. Anyone telling you..... you can do this for whatever reasons, is talking out their..... petunia.​