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Help! Contour Cutting w/Flexi/Graphtec


Sign-Man Signs

Sorry. But I've looked thru hundreds of post and can't find what I need.
Anyway. Would someone please send me a step by step on how to contour cut from Flex via my Graphtec CE5000 w/Arms. I'm just to stupid to understand the Help portion of Flex and need assistance. I know I'm missing a step or something. Got the design down to rip/print and have laid a contour cut line w/reg marks but can't get it from printer to plotter. I can load it in to plotter for cut but then I lose the contour cut. Sure I'm missing something on the Graphtec. Any donation to my lost brain cells will be appreciated.



New Member
Got the design down to rip/print and have laid a contour cut line w/reg marks but can't get it from printer to plotter. I can load it in to plotter for cut but then I lose the contour cut. Sure I'm missing something on the Graphtec. Any donation to my lost brain cells will be appreciated.


Once you print it with the contour and reg marks, you do NOT go back and resend it to the plotter.
Instead, go to Production manager and select your cutter, then the file, then SEND . This will send it to the plotter.

Position the blade in the middle of the first crop mark, press Origin on the plotter, then send in the Production Manager.


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Idea Design

New Member
Is the cutter locating the reg marks? It's important to note, in addition to the way Bradster explained, that when locating the reg marks before you send, you put the blade in the middle of the mark. I was confused at first trying to put the laser in the middle of the mark, and my cutter wouldn't recognize any of it.


  • regmark.jpg
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New Member
On the Mimaki plotter, you actually do line up the laser in the position marked by the dot.

Sign-Man Signs

Got it. Thanks all. Been so long without my printer, it's like starting all over.