Understand where you are coming from. Not sure I completely agree though. For one I never said I wouldn't pay to have one done. I actually said I am not against paying someone. Not trying to start a war or anything, just stating the obvious.
Gladly have one today...
Then hire someone to design your logo, not turn this site into Fiver. Your design skills are way too inexperienced to get some suggestions. You need a designer.
IT's my first day in class, and I may be pissing in someone's cornflakes here, and no offense intended Gino, but sir...
crny's posts pretty much speak for themselves. No diatribe here, but... He never asked for services (and was/is willing to pay if someone came up with something), but you claim he's getting into peoples pockets...?!? Really? Wow. Just wow. Re-read every post of his and you'll soon realize (I would think) that you're just off-base my good man.
The fact of the matter is this... Some of us simply enjoy the design process. Couple that with an individual who has the desire to help someone else in our industry, especially with something so critical and sensitive as their company logo (and the branding it hopefully creates), and you've got one thing... A chance to make a difference.
Not everything has to be quid pro quo does it?
Now crny... I'm hell-bent to create you kick arse design, both in color and monochrome (which translates to much more cost efficient embroidery), for the low, low price of... Wait for it... FREE...!
Email me and I'll whip up something for you...!
Now Gino........ I'm sure your chili is running hot right about now, but here's food for thought:
One of the coolest members in Coreldraw Community now regularly corresponds with me (from Canada), and 95% of the time in an effort to "help me", in some way, and ya know what the kicker is...?
He does it in the same friggin' spirit with which I shall. Just being a nice guy...
How does that help him, let alone anyone else maybe looking for work who pay a membership for that privilege ??
... not undermine everyone here who have worked hard to keep this place going and pull the rug out from under them.
Can you actually name anyone who pays for that privilege?
Are you including yourself in that group?
You're not late to class. Just in the wrong classroom. Who cares what some CorelDraw guy does with you on the side ?? It ain't that kinda forum.
Like I said...... no skin off my teeth. While you are doing it for free and being a nice guy to crny, you're being a b@st@rd to quite a few designers on this site. Doesn't that bother you ?? If someone here started offering your clients free creations and free proofs and free whatever, how would you take it ?? Especially if was done right in front of your nose ??
And you're right..... HE didn't ask. YOU offered, not one but several freebies for him. How does that help him, let alone anyone else maybe looking for work who pay a membership for that privilege ??
I really don't care if you go behind closed doors and give him the classiest, neatest or coolest logo ever created, it was still done on a professional forum to help people in this business, not undermine everyone here who have worked hard to keep this place going and pull the rug out from under them.
Oh, and not choking on the chili, but don't swallow that tongue in your cheek, sir.
"Those busy rowing the boat never get scolded for rocking it..."
Do explain Gino... Just what kind of forum is it? Looking at recent history, this is the ONLY forum (within Signs101) that has ANY activity.
And just how am I being a Bastihd to other designers here...? Last I check this isn't, wasn't, nor never was intended to be a forum for designers to secure projects/jobs, ergo, I am not talking food off the plate of designers across America. Toughen up son... You're soft. The wussification of America continues.
And jumped up Jesus on a friggin' popsicle stick...! You wrote it. You need to grasp it. I offered... He did not ask. Now, at that point - it's none of your dang business man, but your chest thumping and aimless ramblin drones on... "How does that help him...?" He gets a danged logo, branding, and a good starting point for a young up-and-comer. Free. Funny, but that seems like "help" to me... Need I consult Merriam Webster? **shrugs** And really Gino......... Is this really a "job opportunity" I am taking from some aspiring designer, or is this a few hours of work that you're butt-hurt over the idea of someone else doing. For free. (Which I truly believe crny will drop a hundy on me for my efforts - IF they're worthy)
Do you even read your own drivel...? You wrote: "...a professional forum to help people in this business..." Your words sir. That said, aren't I simply trying to help a person in this business? Color me vexed... And how....... PRECISELY Gino..... can I pull the rug out from under ANYONES feet...? Again... It's a friggin' logo Nancy. Not a dang career! Drama queen much...?
And lastly... How would MY hard work possibly undermine others "hard work"? FWIW - The ONLY work being here (other than by the web developers and the few maintaining the site) is the work being done by others, for others. From what I've seen, 99.44% of said work has really been FAVORS. You know. Done for FREE...! (Those liberal pinko commie limp-wristed junkies!) How dare they?!?
Dude... If you spent as much time actually "helping" this guy instead of pissing, moaning, and whining about those who are - we could have collaborated and come up with something brilliant...!
Now... If you'll excuse me from this "let's whip 'em out & see who the real man is" contest - I've got a design to do...
Ding - Ding...!!! Did you hear that...? Yep, school's sure 'nuff out! Run on home Jimmy... Momma's got a corn dog for ya...
Gino's quote: "If someone wants to do something nice, why don't they just do it 100% behind closed doors and not make a mockery of the people trying to make a living doing this sort of work ??"
Because part of doing art, be it playing a musical instrument, dance, designing signs or logos, etc. is performing to an audience.
I do not think anybody is mocking anyone. And if a free couple of logo quickies is going to wreak havoc on someone's business or as you s ay "to make a living", then they need to apply for a new job like I did.
How is doing a couple hour favor "making fun of someone's living by offering it free"... You're reaching for straws now sport model...I said several times I was not bashing the OP or the guy offering, but they are continuing to make fun of someone's living by offering it free.
Let me make sure I grasp your mindset...If someone wants to do something nice, why don't they just do it 100% behind closed doors and not make a mockery of the people trying to make a living doing this sort of work ?? A truly nice gesture needs not be advertised. It's between the maker and the recipient. Others need not be involved or have their noses rubbed in it.
I don't want to mention names, but they exist.
My recollection was that one had the right to advertise what you did for the community by paying this 'Premium' subscription and if you went further, you got a Merchant Membership and could actively go after people needing quotes or work. Regardless, why would certain people pay this to have their website or all the other advertisements you have taken down without providing this payment to allow others to hawk their wares freely ?? That would be like all the trade booth guys at the sign show spending all that money to create business and some putz, goes up & down the aisles handing out cards and talking to people to use them, cause they're cheaper..... or free. Many of them here are doing it in hopes of getting work out of this place. When someone starts offering free stuff, wouldn't that take the other's ability away to do business here ??
Of course, to a degree..... but not where this thread is heading. No.
Why would so many people offer names of known designers here, whether they are good or bad and others chime in about invoices and revisions or turning this place into a $5. dollar store ??
I said several times I was not bashing the OP or the guy offering, but they are continuing to make fun of someone's living by offering it free. If someone wants to do something nice, why don't they just do it 100% behind closed doors and not make a mockery of the people trying to make a living doing this sort of work ?? A truly nice gesture needs not be advertised. It's between the maker and the recipient. Others need not be involved or have their noses rubbed in it.