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HELP - Roland GX-24 Issue


Active Member
Guys Cmon be happy they have a workaround and you can continue working.

Real solution is coming (new drivers) but it takes a while.
new drivers? perhaps they could stop having SIMPLETONS write the updates, or god forbid TEST THE F**KING THINGS before releasing them

nobody can appreciate more than me, the complexity of the task, but,
they have yet to send that group from CROWDSTRIKE home, or to the unemployment office


New Member
I didn't realise it was all their products that had this issue.
Spent ages looking for the drivers.


New Member
I finally was able to get it to work on the laptop that I got with the cutter. Because I have limited space in my shop I'd like to be able to work on one computer, and the laptop that I got with the cutter doesn't have corel on it which is where I do a lot of my design work. Having said that the laptop I want to use that has corel I cannot see the printer for the cutter even though the drivers are installed. Windows 10 just like the other computer. What am I missing here?


New Member
The easiest solution is to tell it you're on a restricted data account..

That way it never attempts to download updates.

Tbh, it's not necessarily good practice to have production computers connected to the Internet, no Internet.. No problems like viruses, updates, etc.. Just share the devices on the network.

Have another one for Internet stuff, then access downloads from the internal network. That way you keep the important stuff flowing (money) - also works great when drivers aren't available in newer versions.