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help saving file as an eps


New Member
I am new to making signs and I have run into a problem and wondered if someone could help me. I have a logo I or an image I found on the internet and I opened it up in corel draw and added some text to it. when I try to save the file to send to versaworks it will not allow me the option to save it as an eps file. what am I doing wrong and what is the correct procedure if I was wanting to grab an image and print it on my plotter cutter? thanks in advance for the help...im sure this question seems pretty elementary for most


Active Member
All those images that you grabbed are copyrighted and have a special digital lock on them that doesn't allow them to be altered and saved.


New Member
I can export the file but cant as an eps??? is there another format I could do to drag into versaworks?? So there is no way to get an image from the internet and use it even if its not altered and the copyright logos are used on them? I tried several and the same result...I can save them under several file formats just not an eps

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
EPS does not appear as a file type in Save As mode ... but it does in Export mode. It's second on the drop down list.


Active Member
Making it a .pdf would work, but I wouldn't ignore the copyright infringement and/or digital lock issue another poster raised. We all use clip-art, stock photos, etc.. when we need it, but you have to respect the art's creator.

Eric H

New Member
They are probably bitmap images and need to be traced or converted to a vector file, just saving it as an .eps file won't work.