New Member
as many others have said, your not going to see a dime either way so get his butt arrested, at least then on the next employer he will have to explain the theft charges 
Want to do yourself a big favor? Get over the loss. He screwed you. Someday, somehow you will come back to haunt him. You will spent another $10K chasing a person who can't and won't ever reimburse you, even with the law on his back.
Spend your time and effort to build your business and a system of checks and balances so nobody can do that to you again. Revenge isn't as good as it's made out to be. Satisfaction of coming back stronger and better is what it's all about.
Jan 1st to March 31st we spent over 10k on materials
I have a smaller shop with less employees than most of you out there. I am in the office most of the time. There is only one other employee I trust enough to give a key and be here when I am not in. I have installed a full camera system and when not in there is nothing I don't know that happens when I am away. If I am in the design room I set my monitor in there to veiw the cameras on the front door and the printer. It helps me catch any print error when the printer is not in sight and see if any one enters. Camera's and Alarm systems are enough of a deterrant to keep the honest people honest and gives second thought to the dishonest out there. I also have a computer at home that is always veiwing the cameras and off site recording in case some one thinks to break in and steel the DVR.
I would get over it at this point and prevent it from ever happening again if I was in your shoe's. Know your people and make it your business to know what happens in your business.
Welcome from Long Island NY
If You can't hire someone that you trust with a key, why hire them at all?
I've given all my full time employee keys. Sometimes they will need to work on their car on the weekend, and i let them use the tools, and the bays for that. I treat all my employees as family....and pays back in the end
I treat all my employees as family....and pays back in the end
Well, that's not the only thing you had stolen......... your other thread about selling your equipment is now gone. Why/how so ??
I could be wrong, but this/your scenario sounds a little familiar.
I don't understand how you can't have knowledge of what's going on in a business for............ a full quarter ?? That sounds impossible no matter if you're only there 1% of the time or not. You want us to believe that your business needs 10k a quarter. That would equate to about $3,500 a month. However, you only seem concerned about foils and vinyl. What about substrates, paint, wood, aluminum, banner media and so on..... ?? If this person hadn't stole this from you... where should your sales be. Based on what you've given us.... you should be around $17,500 a month gross.... or $210,000 a year, based upon vinyl and foils alone. Do/did you have quite a large inventory of stock in other areas ?? How could you not see that in a two or three week period, let alone 3 months ??
No, I think you're letting a lot out of the story here. Seems more like trying to figure out HOW to cover one's tracks... or place blame elsewhere.
You just joined, so if I'm being rude, I apologize, but your storyline makes no sense whatsoever.
- You claim in your profile you have no business, but yet here, you tell us you have still another business which requires 99% of your time.
- How can you have NO business and yet have an employee stealing from you ??
- If you have no place of business, is this employee working out of your house ??
Insurance ahh yeah.