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Help with Chromaluxe Metal and Moisture in the press!


New Member
Hello All -

First off, thank you for any help you can provide, it's greatly appreciated as this is tough stuff to figure out sometimes!

We've been printing and pressing Chromaluxe metal prints for around 12 years now, we use Epson printers with Epson ink and paper called S-Race and have a Sefa 50x100 press. For years we have had little issue with the product, but a few months ago we started to notice a large number of our prints have a residue or film left after we press them. This is happening on all Chromaluxe finishes, but more so on the satin and matte finish products. I've included a photo, hopefully it can accurately show the film/residue. Any ideas how to get rid of this? I've had someone suggest the paper is the cause but I also had someone suggest we are pressing the metal too long, we go for about 4-5 minutes for a 30x40 ish print at 45 lbs of pressure and 375 degrees. The lower temp and pressure has worked well for us, we normally don't have any edge issues, chipping, etc. but are open for other settings if it solves this issue!



Our next issue, while investigating the residue/film today, I found we have moisture and rust on our press (see the photo below - the Nomax pad we use and the rust below it). I have already found a company who can remove the rust from the shuttle pan, but any ideas how we can avoid getting moisture in the Nomex pads and trapped under the pad between the pad and the shuttle pan?



New Member
I have had similar problems. Appears sometimes due to residue from the protective film. I suggest test a section Goo be Gone. to be sure all residue is removed. We use some standard metal but mostly press Duraluxe metal. Temp is 380 and time is 140 seconds. We always use a protective paper over and under and press face down. Also, we constructed a custom steel lower platten and have the heat from above. Using about the same pressure.


New Member
I have had similar problems. Appears sometimes due to residue from the protective film. I suggest test a section Goo be Gone. to be sure all residue is removed. We use some standard metal but mostly press Duraluxe metal. Temp is 380 and time is 140 seconds. We always use a protective paper over and under and press face down. Also, we constructed a custom steel lower platten and have the heat from above. Using about the same pressure.
Great, thanks for you suggestion, I will test this today.


New Member
just wanted to update for anyone who finds this and has the same issue, the cleaning of hte surface before pressing did not solve my problem. I will keep testing things, when I solve it I will post it so others may be able to use the information.


New Member
Sublimate a section on a different press. To rule out the press... Even a little one.
Thanks, I did a bunch of testing, but I also saw on the Chromlauxe support portal this warning/disclaimer about their matte finish metal and residue, sounds like it's a problem with their product and I'm working on now coming up with ways to reduce or get rid of it, but also ways to clean off the residue quickly and easily. Right now Rapid Remover works well to clean off hte prints but leave streak marks, so I come back with foam spray window cleaner (Zep Professional glass cleaner), with some non abrasive wipes (Bemcot M-3 wipes) and get good results, but it's a pain to have to wipe down every inch of 48x96 panels.

We are working with Epson as a beta tester for their new 64 inch dye sub printer, so I'm hoping someone from Epson, Chromaluxe, Erogsoft, WaSatch or any other RIP we end up testing for Epson will be able to provide us with a solution. It's weird, we didn't have this issue for years, but it popped up in the last year or two and has been really bad in the last 2-3 months! Always learning more!

I will update this post if there is a solution (or more I find a solution).



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New Member
Interesting. Try the Duraluxe Matte or Satin. Gorgeous metal. Superior product. The Chromaluxe Glossy is a nicer..


New Member
Interesting. Try the Duraluxe Matte or Satin. Gorgeous metal. Superior product. The Chromaluxe Glossy is a nicer..
I will give it a try, we've tried it years ago but it was crappy and the sales rep had to get us samples like four different times because at the time it was being made overseas (probably still is) and the coating had changed like 3-4 times because they were having so many problems. It seems they have developed the product now and it is more stable.

Where do you buy it?


New Member
Hmmm. So Canvas, Matte and Satin has been no issues for the most part. I have some satin in testing outdoors on floors without issues for medium traffic. We only use exterior as I am located in the Caribbean in Aruba. So all CL fades in less than a year w. window light, and the EXT of CL would bubble in the sun. The DL outdoors is incredibly stable and we use for cabana signage among other things for long term use. For decor we use the 4 main surfaces and we do have issues w glossy but the rest on 40x60 sheets no problem (we don't have a grand press). Hope that helps open up some opportunity for you. Would be interested in having someonne to work w. in the US for my customers wanting prints for the US. We specialize in Interior and Exterior Decor and Hard Signage.


New Member
Hmmm. So Canvas, Matte and Satin has been no issues for the most part. I have some satin in testing outdoors on floors without issues for medium traffic. We only use exterior as I am located in the Caribbean in Aruba. So all CL fades in less than a year w. window light, and the EXT of CL would bubble in the sun. The DL outdoors is incredibly stable and we use for cabana signage among other things for long term use. For decor we use the 4 main surfaces and we do have issues w glossy but the rest on 40x60 sheets no problem (we don't have a grand press). Hope that helps open up some opportunity for you. Would be interested in having someonne to work w. in the US for my customers wanting prints for the US. We specialize in Interior and Exterior Decor and Hard Signage.
Thanks for the detailed feedback, I contacted DL and they are sending me samples for testing. I will message you, we are always open to trade work to help other small businesses.

We are working with Epson as a beta tester for their new 64 inch dye sub printer, so I'm hoping someone from Epson, Chromaluxe, Erogsoft, WaSatch or any other RIP we end up testing for Epson will be able to provide us with a solution. It's weird, we didn't have this issue for years, but it popped up in the last year or two and has been really bad in the last 2-3 months! Always learning more!

I will update this post if there is a solution (or more I find a solution).


Hello, we are also a ChromaLuxe certified Plus lab in Europe. I ever experienced such issue. We always remove the moisture when we start sublimating (we heat the res, then press without plates multiples times, until there is no more moisture/condensation below the felt of the bottom plate (just put your hands under the felt and check the moisture.
We have tested differents rips (Edge, Caldera and wasatch). Wasatch gives the best results so far with some printers (we use the 7200), as the 7200 can do halftoning, whereas the newest 6400 44in, as far as I have understood can only do contone (so the rip only manage the profile, no separation/linearization/ink limit)
I would like to test ergosoft as it appears to be a very capable RIP in terms of color management. I believe the newest EPSON 64 in sublimation printer is hopefully unlocked and RIPS can access the SDK and do the separation as well ? Anyone could confirm ? If you test Ergosoft against wasatch, could you share the results in terms of gradients, grain, color neutrality (greyscale). Thanks for your insights. PS: the new EPSON 64in has a msrp of 35k usd which is quite steep.... I hope the street price will be lower.