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Help with making aluminum signs!


Active Member
Funny enough.... while trying to be funny, Gino is right. These are all usually screen printed.

We do them all the time.... UV ink doesn't last long enough, these are meant for machines that need to last 15-25 years and UV ink will scratch off.

The reason you're paying $40 each is because of the time it takes to burn a screen and print them in low quantities.

We do them for an aircraft manufacturer... And they always have to be screen printed.... They won't accept laser or anything else. Even the blanks are screen printed and then they stamp / ink them.

You could buy a $20 screenprint kit on Amazon and do it yourself. It'd cost you maybe $5 cents in enamel ink, and less than a buck in emulsion and film to print them.

Then about 30 mins to setup / print / register.... 45 mins to clean the screen....

Ask your current provider if they screen print or UV print and I bet you they're screen printed.

You can buy a UV printer... But even chinese ones are in the 6k range for one that can print on them. And the ink won't last nearly as long or be nearly as durable.

Owen Signcraft

New Member
Those prices he called out sound like retail prices. I'm reading it like he's just trying to bring these in-house to save a couple bucks.
Fine, but don't expect professionals to hand over trade secrets so you can cut them out of the equation. OTH... The set-up he would need and learning curve is going to cost more than $3

Because the 3 or 4 9x12's that he requires a month could be feeding a sign guy's family! lol.