I have this warehouse job for signs on the end of racks. See below of what I came up with. The product names will be interchangeable so that as product moves in the isles they can update them.
Here is my dilemma, the customer ask if there was a way to give perspective to these. Meaning they want someone who is new in the warehouse to be able to tell where the product is in the isle. So for example the bottom items on the list are closest to them, and the top items are at the other end of the isle, or vice versa.
Any ideas of what might work?
Here is my dilemma, the customer ask if there was a way to give perspective to these. Meaning they want someone who is new in the warehouse to be able to tell where the product is in the isle. So for example the bottom items on the list are closest to them, and the top items are at the other end of the isle, or vice versa.
Any ideas of what might work?