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here are some business card fronts for you to unleash your wrath on


Premium Subscriber
Before you get started on the layout/design end of things...... is there a reason why or how you come up with that name ??

That name would make me chuckle.... then toss that card into the round filing cabinet before considering it for any kind of services.... not because of fonts or colors at this point.... just the name alone.


New Member
Rule #7 - Do not ever stretch, compress, squeeze or yank Avant Garde. It is a geometrically designed font and any variation from its original form looks scribbly.

Rule #8 - Avoid using Avant Garde unless you have a very compelling reason for it -- which is almost never...

Again... "Just playing with placement"....thanks for the ridicule though.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Here are some more designs. Are any of these getting better? I will be putting most the info on the back of the cards but want to get down a solid front first. Thanks again for the help folks!

If you want to become a designer that is taken seriously, then learn to use type properly -- without stretching, compressing or squeezing it.

Also, learn to use your negative space -- it is as much a part of the design process as picking a typeface or colour.

Circleville Signs

New Member
Also, as Gino mentioned, the name alone is kind of silly IMO. Think of who you are marketing to. I don't know your target demographic, but just assuming that it is other business owners for the most part, how many are going to take that name seriously?


New Member
We went threw hundreds of names and everyone liked this the best, I suppose maybe I should explain what my business will be a bit and maybe it doesn't matter. But I will be doing vehicle wraps and clear bras but my biggest crowd will be dirt bike/snowmobile/utv wraps. Not really many words on those wraps mostly just lots of flashy, bright graphics. But again I do appreciate all the great knowledge out there and I definitely don't consider my self a designer by any means at all, but am wanting to learn more on that end of it. This is just going to be a days off hobby. Keep the posts coming everyone!


New Member
Make sure you're designing a business card and not a little sign. They're different things.

Do a google image search for business cards to get some inspiration. Inspiration - not copy.


Premium Subscriber
Out of 100's of names.... this is the BEST you [whoever WE is] could come up with pertaining to the broad scope of things you intend to entail ??

You do realize Mayhem' is just a fad/buzz word presently and is only on the tips of people's tongues due to a few commercials. It will be a dumb term in a few months to a year and you'll still be stuck with it.

You do know what the words really mean.... right ??​


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Out of 100's of names.... this is the BEST you [whoever WE is] could come up with pertaining to the broad scope of things you intend to entail ??

You do realize Mayhem' is just a fad/buzz word presently and is only on the tips of people's tongues due to a few commercials. It will be a dumb term in a few months to a year and you'll still be stuck with it.
You do know what the words really mean.... right ??​


Here's what the name Mayhem brings to mind...



  • messy-office-01.jpg
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New Member
Am I getting any closer to something useable with this design?


    162.7 KB · Views: 117

"Deposit Please"

New Member
...paint chipping off cottage cheese for a background?!? Actually, i like your design better in post#20 (far left). I would try working off that or just start over.


New Member
Rule #7 - Do not ever stretch, compress, squeeze or yank Avant Garde. It is a geometrically designed font and any variation from its original form looks scribbly.

Rule #8 - Avoid using Avant Garde unless you have a very compelling reason for it -- which is almost never...

^^^ LOL Said like an old time Corellian


New Member
Am I getting any closer to something useable with this design?
Not really.
The purple background clashes with your text colors.
The Mayhem in a stencil font might look OK if you chose a decent looking one.
You could paak ya caa in the space between DESIGN and WORKS.
The asterisks as bullet points look really goofy/sissy.
So does "TOYS", and for that matter, change STICKERS to DECALS.
And for the love of God and all things typographic, please learn to kern.


New Member
wow, where do I start. Mayhem, what does it mean to you? what do you want it to mean to those you want to sell things to?

I definitely don't consider my self a designer by any means

then why on earth are there the words "design works" in your business name? from the name, it makes it sound like your are selling your talents as a designer. it would be like calling a business "Mayhem Restaurant" and not serving any food. you do wraps and clear bars, OK. why not "Mayhem Wraps"? if you aren't into changing your name as "everyone" loved the one you picked, at least make your card say what it is that you really do. have some of your bright colored wrap design in the background instead of rotted whatever that was in our last attempt.


New Member
Hey Jesse

It's a good start. With that name, you can get away with almost anything design wise and people will think it's art. :)

I would just keep it simple to start until you take the time to read some good layout books.

I'm out of my element with this, but heres a couple ideas I'll throw in the ring.


  • mayhem.gif
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