When it comes to credit card use by the owner of a sign shop, the recommended standard that I go by is to pay off every credit card, every month. Never let any balance carry over to the next month. The only exception is in the case of an extreme emergency.
Let’s continue with the theme of this thread. If you own/run a sign shop and if you have credit cards that are maxed out or almost maxed out, then this thread is for you. Please keep reading.
I am going to list several steps in order of importance.
First, clearly define the problem. Make a complete spreadsheet list of all your cards. Show how much is the total due for each card. What is the percentage rate? What is the minimum monthly payment? How much is still open? Are any of your cards past due? If so, how much?
Sort them by percentage rate, highest to lowest. Create a column to rank them.
Sort again by how much credit is still available. Again, create a column to rank them. If you wish, create as many columns as you would like to rank them.
Now you will start to think about finding a way to get out of debt. At the same time, start to think about which credit cards you rank as your best to continue using.
I want to let you know that I am here to help you. I will make time in my schedule to work with one Signs101 member to begin to resolve their credit card problems. You see, I was once in the same position. I resolved my credit debt problem, learned a lot, and want to help you.
Let’s continue with these first steps. (Down the road, we want to find the root cause.) For now, we have a major fire that needs to be put out. Determine for yourself just how bad is the problem. Do you see a way out in say three or four months? Or, is it worse than that?
If it is worse, here are your next steps. Do a Google search for “credit card debt forgiveness.” You will see three million results. Several “Ad” results at the top. Hundreds of other listings. Begin to look at several to see if any information catches your interest. Take your time. Please do not jump too fast. Begin to make a list of potential companies. But also look for those who provide guidance. And, see if any of the companies offering to work with you have reviews. Again, go onto Google and type in the companies name followed by the word reviews. Even then, proceed with great caution.
Lookup on Amazon. See if any books might be helpful.
Lookup on YouTube. See if any videos offer information that might be helpful.
Contact your local lawyer referral service. Ask them to connect you with a debt relief attorney. In many counties, the fee is under $50. There are some things you can do all on your own.
Before you take any action, give yourself two or three days to think about it. The road is full of land mines.
To my reader, if you have any questions, please feel free to raise them right here or privately. Remember, I am here to help.