out of curiosity, on a job like this what is your markup?
Not looking for the actual cost or what you are charging, merely after all costs are calculated what percent of markup per SQFT are you doing? 20% 30% 40% etc....
Production running pretty smooth. About 120 rolls into it. Then Tuesday it happened we went down HARD.. No one had any idea what the problem was.
Machine keep shutting off and would not print in registered at all would not allow us to calibrate or anything.. No sweat we will continue running on our backup LX. No luck there either since it was backed up running backlits for a national Vonage rollout campaign that had no wiggle room in deadline and 20 hours to finish and make the deadline. Since we have taken our LightJet out of productin a few months ago we print all backlits on a LX.
Turns out the entire encoder assembly and servo engine decided to call it quits. We had to rebuild the encoder assembly and replace servo engine. HP specialist was here Wed AM to make sure machine was stable. All is good now...
Found out yesterday someone had a lightly used LX600 for sale at pennies on the dollar and had to sell it. No brainer there so an LX600 will be here next week.
I still have major reservations if the LX850 dedicated to this project will survive without major issues. I must say HP support and the Latex specialist were on point which was a pleasant surprise.
How good TRULY is the LX 850?? IS it really that reliable from the start or like any other printer that has its own quirks you need to deal with? Im just not convinced I guess with the latex myself. I personally dont know HP or any techs. Unlike EFI...Im on first name basis with techs and support personnel....we are able to beat most issues with the Vuteks in short order when something arises.
I think our QS is awesome....runs really well. Cant get pure light smoothing out of it though due to the tracking band issue with heavy coverage on inks. Looking at newer EFI machine that came out recently....only reason why Im considering it is due to the fact I know EFI support and what they are capable of when we call on them.
the wave of new technology coming only coming from vutek and durst...
What's Vutek doing that's so unique? I haven't seen much to suggest they're really doing anything besides switching (some of) their UV machines to use LED lamps.