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Here's a "What would you do?" for you...


New Member
since he paid you to set up the job for the magnetics the art you did was that only. sending it to the tee-shirt guy and printer was at no extra cost to the customer and was done as a courtesy. since it was up to the tee-shirt guy and printer to provide proof for their customer, seems like it wouldn't be your fault. had you sold him the service of providing art for the other guys, then you would be liable for errors.

That's what I'm thinking. You forwarded the artwork on for free.


New Member
hm.... i think i'm jumping on board with that post. We go to ridiculous extremes to make things right with customers but that makes sense to me. If I get artwork for a sign from a third party, I slap it on a proof template and send it to the customer for approval regardless. I've saved them some bucks doing that. The tee shirt guy and printer should have done that. Point for Marlene!


New Member
I dunno...

If a customer supplied me with an 18x24 EPS and asked for an 18x24 sign I would just rip it and go.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Okay, thanks for all the thoughts and yes, the mistake was my fault completely....just a typo that didn't get caught.

Doug, renting the other PO Box sounded like a great idea but it was already rented and they couldn't have used it anyway, they have to use the address the campaign in registed under.

Yes, they are required by law to have it on there. The letters are only 1/4" tall on the magnetics and nobody will ever pay attention to them other than other candidates. We've got another candidate locally who has dropped out of his race because he didn't have his disclaimer on his signs and billboards and his opponent was making a stink about it so he was probably going to be left off the ballot anyway.

The problem is resolved anyway. We're going to put a small decal over the PO Box number on the magnetics and we're giving them $100 off. They're going to just use the t-shirts like they are because the disclaimer letters are so small the holes all closed up and you really can't tell if it's a 5 or a 6. The printer had only ordered the business cards and after talking to him he told me he'd do reprints if I'd cover his costs. He told me he was paying $40 per 1000 cards delivered....after hooking him up with a much cheaper wholesaler that's only going to cost me $25. So all in all I'm out $125 and about an hours time....could have been a whole lot worse.


New Member
glad it worked out without much ado. proofs! always have them sign off on a proof! also put on the proof (the attached or something like that) so that even if you do make a mistake, it is OK as they read it and signed off on it.


  • proof.jpg
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New Member
maybe he can put a forwarding address in with the post office from the 'old' box to the 'new' one.


New Member
You might want to look into Commercial Errors & Omissions Liability insurance for the future. In this case the cost were not that high but i could have been a lot worse.