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"Here's another fine mess"


New Member
I seem to get myself into a mess without even trying. I got a call from a friend last night and a charity he is involved with want me to put some graphics on a sprinter by midday tomorrow for an up-coming event,not to much of a problem except the van has just arrived and there is existing vinyl text and graphics on there. It now turns out the van is on loan and I need to save the existing graphics and yet cover them with mine with the view to remove them again in a couple of weeks, as the van has to be returned to it's owner.
If I applied a fine coat of vaseline to the existing graphic areas only and let the rest of the printed graphic that I am going to apply, adhere to the van's paint work will it hold for three weeks or so. The van is white and some of the existing text will still show I need to cover these off as well. If I just stick Vinyl over vinyl with no barrier do you think it might remove without taking of the existing, I think I'm going on a bit here:banghead:
And the bottom line is they want it done for next to nothing AND YES YOU'VE GUESSED IT - it's for charity.



Just Me
Don't do it. You'll become responsible for any damage to the lettering underneath. Tell them to use magnetics to cover the graphics with and put your lettering on those.

Are you serious about considering vaseline?


Active Member
ogod... i'd just make magnets out of scrap around the shop and be done with it. wrapping over existing graphics would be signing yourself up to REMOVE it when its done... and be held liable for damage to the existing graphics!!! both of which is most likely non-deductable.

use the magnets, write off a nice deduction, and see if they'll give em back to you afterwards to be used for other charity projects


New Member
its been done with banners and bungies in our corner. and yes, for charity. but it was only for a weekend.....
maybe..........run away!!!!?


New Member
If you have any removable wall vinyl, I would use that to cover the old graphics. This will mask the color of them while protecting them during removal of the new ones. cost is higher, but should do what you need.

John L

New Member
regular price plus rush charge plus signed damage waiver.

it's his charity, not yours right? so he is paying the bill.


Premium Subscriber
  • First take a picture so you have a reference for later.
  • Next... sandblast the entire truck and get the old lettering off.
  • Letter it how they want it done.
  • When it's time to remove your lettering.... sandblast it again. :wink:
  • Then refer back to your photograph and letter it one last time.

This is by far the fastest and most expedient way of getting all of this done in the time frame they're giving you.
As for the unsightly mess that might occur, just tell them you did it the fastest and cheapest way you could. They were never specific about your methods of getting it done.

Sticky Signs

New Member
I do it all the time. The key is to wax everything first than apply the vinyl. The adhesive will hold but it will come off with ease. I usually use spray wax however I was recently introduced to Mothers Carnauba Wax. they tell me it's the cats arse and so far, i have to agree. Rain Ex works great on glass. Apparently Pam cooking spray works too but I've never tried it.
Of course, you still have to be careful when removing the vinyl but it's much more forgiving. I don't think you'll have any problems but I'd make sure the van has factory paint other wise your asking for trouble. Good luck.


New Member
Job done fingers crossed, I used app tape to cover the text only and economy white vinyl over the tape and well onto the white paint work of the van on all the text that will not be covered by the temporary digital print. Again using app tape only on all the text to be covered by the print allowing the print to adhere to all the exposed paint work. I have to say it appears that the print has stuck well to the app tape, I now just have to hope that when the prints have to be removed in three weeks or so the app tape comes off with the print.
