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He's Home... Finally :-)


New Member
glad to hear hes doin good. havin spent a few days in a heart unit, your right cant get any rest there)))))))). not to start anything here, but how is the financial health care issues? iam sure you need to post that to the NHB section. but so glad hes doin well.

Si Allen

New Member
As a guy who has has more repairs and replacement parts than a '53 Buick .... I congratulate you on firing the doctor!

If you can't trust a doctor's decisions ... time to get another one that you feel comfortable with!


New Member
so glad to hear the news!!!! if there is any power in a ton of people all wanting things to go great for the both of you, things will as you have people all over the world rooting for you both!


Just Me
Thanks guys. He's in and settled. Making adjustments as needed, but home is wonderful. So now that I have to be w/him all the time until he's able to move better... I'll be on here a LOT more... I love him, but even I need a break once in a while :smile:


General Know-it-all
Prayers are with you, you're never given more than you can bare (but it's hard to see that sometimes). :toasting:


New Member
I think the


has a Dart Game. .:thumb:



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New Member
Been there, done that with the dr. thingy. I fired one several years ago turned out he was part duck. Then I got involved with another Dr., along with a trauma center, wound up firing both of them. Then they tried to scam my insurance co. for a bunch of money. Glad to hear everything is coming up roses for you both. My prayers for you. Peace.