The truth spills out from the horses mouth
Just got an email forwarded to me today. Fellers email to their sales reps a few months back.
Please make sure all your reps are crystal clear on their response to any customer that asks about the email that is going around saying we sell to the public.
1. one don’t lie or deny it. We do sell to anyone who wants to make their own signs or wraps.
2. Nothing is different than at any time in the 30 years of business.
3. We have had individuals buy rolls of vinyl from every competitor with very little questions asked.
4. Unlike many of our competitors we don’t sell finished signs of any kind, only supplies.
Never run from this argument. Defend it with the truth. There is no argument for the truth. The reality is that in 30 years this rarely if ever happens. Our goal is to provide supplies at the best prices to people who want to do their own signs and wraps.
We are #1! This is what competition does. It starts these things and makes us better. We have grown through all our challenges over the years and this will be no different.
Please let me know when you have communicated this to all your reps."
I did speak to several sales reps from fellers about this email prior to posting this. While all confirmed the content, none of them would verify the source. From the looks, it came directly from the top and went out to all the regional managers. The comment about "in 30 years, this rarely happens" was in regards to the email blast.. not about selling to the public.
To make things clear, this argument about fellers selling to the public, has nothing to do with finished signs or even printable sign vinyl. Only the main bread and butter of us wrap shops. Why do I need to compete against my own installers, other wrap shop installers and non-tax paying freelancers? I'm sick of customers calling in and telling me that the materials only cost $600 for a whole car wrap, for me to itemize my parts and labor or ask me to quote for labor only.