• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Hey guys


New Member
Discovered this forum recently and after the third useful tip I picked up, decided to become a member. I've only been in the industry since 2007, so I have a lot of picking up to do... hopefully I have something to teach you guys eventually! I'm basically the art department/digital department/vinyl cut department at a smaller family-owned industrial screenprinting/sign company here in Canada. I also deal with customers & politicians (this factor may or may not affect my gin intake.)


New Member
Speaking of gin intake - I see that I posted an intro thread when I first signed up...two years ago. I apologize and promise that if I do double-post again it will be much closer together, time-wise.