How big are your rolls?
If they are only 610mm wide I don't think the "difficulty" of loading such a small, light roll really justifies the creation of the device you are planning.
If you really want to build the beast there are a few things which immediately spring to mind.
First thing is a brake of some kind. When you start pulling vinyl off the contraption you may well find that the whole thing starts revolving... I think you need a brake to pinch the aluminium wheel in position.
Second thing is weight... as you use vinyl the rolls get lighter. If you have one roll which you hardly ever use it's going to be heavier than the rest and it will unbalance your wheel thing.... every time you turn the thing to change colour the heavy roll is going to want to drag the wheel to the lowest point via gravity. This is another reason why you need a brake.
The third thing is core size.... your 25mmwooden rods are a lot smaller than the cardboard tube inside the vinyl roll. Unless you make a boss which has an internal bore of 25mm and an external diameter of 75mm your vinyl won't be pulled off the roll smoothly... you'll get lots of tugging, slacking, tugging, slacking etc. To fix this you need the vinyl roll to turn centrally in a perfect circular motion.
If I really wanted to make a thing like you have designed I'd try and make it as an A frame with braked wheels... this will allow you to move it in or out of position easily.... if you get sick of the thing it also makes it easier to wheel it out to the dumpster