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Horrible slow rendering drop shadow through effect stylize


New Member
I have Horrible slow issues rendering drop shadow through effect stylize.
Is this just me or everyone?

I will try at work tomorrow and see if i get the same results.


  • ScreenHunter_03 Dec. 06 21.31.png
    ScreenHunter_03 Dec. 06 21.31.png
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New Member
I tend to run into this at times also. Usually only happens to me when its a large vector I am trying to put a drop shadow on. I have a pretty stout computer myself and still run into it. As for a fix....I have no idea and dont know if there is one. Hopefully someone may know and chime in.


Active Member
I dont use stylize for shadows i prefer to make copy of type and then drop it behind the main copy and lighten it up


  • pendlebrook [Converted].jpg
    pendlebrook [Converted].jpg
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New Member
I run into this issue as well on large or very complex vectors. One workaround I occasionally use is design without the drop shadows and once the layout is "finished" to make a solid black version of the vector I want to shadow, open it in Photoshop and run a guassian blur filter on it then place it behind the vector in Illustrator and adjust the opacity as needed.


New Member
so that 4800MQ tells me your designing on a <laptop>[so these forums auto link to ads now?].

2.7ghz is paltry at best and I'm assuming you are using the integrated GPU on that CPU. If that is the case, that is your explanation why things render slowly. If you have a discrete GPU, then it probably is not supported by Adobe to render within their programs.


New Member
I have never had an issue what so ever rendering video or any other type of graphics or cad drawing on my laptop. But i just tried this same thing at work with a crazy desktop and have the same issues. The video card as well is supported by adobe for photoshop.


New Member
a live effect like drop shadow is going to be more noticeable than precompiling video simply because you're not waiting for the progress bar, yet illustrator or photoshop is constantly redrawing the effects as you manipulate them versus a compile of pre-composed assets. The more complex and layered the effects, the more effort said program will have to work rendering your comp as you manipulate elements.

It would help, though, to know which Adobe product you are experiencing this in and what GPUs you are using.


New Member
So with a discrete GPU working for you, you should not be experiencing slow performance unless the files you work on are rather complex and large in scope. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro with a AMD FirePro and same CPU clock speed as yours, and it chugs along okay until I throw too much at it. Changing from GPU to CPU based view should tell you all you need to know. If it becomes impossible to work in, you're laptop's CPU is bottlenecking performance.

Performance is based on how complex the file is.


Rap Master
Drop shadows in Illustrator always seems to kill speed for me too, so I avoid them whenever possible. Most of the time you have to flatten the effect anyways if you're doing print/cut.


New Member
So with a discrete GPU working for you, you should not be experiencing slow performance unless the files you work on are rather complex and large in scope. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro with a AMD FirePro and same CPU clock speed as yours, and it chugs along okay until I throw too much at it. Changing from GPU to CPU based view should tell you all you need to know. If it becomes impossible to work in, you're laptop's CPU is bottlenecking performance.

Performance is based on how complex the file is.

Well thats the GPU in my desktop at work. 32 gig ram. 524 gig solid state drive, i7-6950x extreme at 3.2 Ghz 10 core.


New Member
If you're having issues with drop shadows in Illustrator, it's probably because you haven't realized that drop shadows are a raster effect. You're working on a large sign in full scale and your raster effects resolution is set to the default 300ppi, so Illustrator is generating enormous rasters for your drop shadows. Go to Effects > Document Raster Effects and set it to 150 or 100 or 75.


New Member
If you're having issues with drop shadows in Illustrator, it's probably because you haven't realized that drop shadows are a raster effect. You're working on a large sign in full scale and your raster effects resolution is set to the default 300ppi, so Illustrator is generating enormous rasters for your drop shadows. Go to Effects > Document Raster Effects and set it to 150 or 100 or 75.

Very correct sir.. So i gues when i am done change the raster setting back to 300 if i am printing?