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Horrifying sound at night...

Johnny Best

Active Member
Tex, you got that North Korean knock off called Fring. It has that sound until someone pushes the button


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Premium Subscriber
And here I thought I was being clever bringing up an old member. We have tree frogs, that don't let up and it sounds just like that. Their sound travels 1/2 mile at least, especially when there's a lotta them. A farm down the road used to raise peacocks. Those guys and peahens would stroll all over the area. We had several vases with beautiful feathers from them dropping them when in the area.. They never really sounded quite like that...... at least not the east coast variety. They always sounded like a baby crying for help. When we first moved in and told people about that sound, they all laughed.


Very Active Signmaker
And here I thought I was being clever bringing up an old member. We have tree frogs, that don't let up and it sounds just like that. Their sound travels 1/2 mile at least, especially when there's a lotta them. A farm down the road used to raise peacocks. Those guys and peahens would stroll all over the area. We had several vases with beautiful feathers from them dropping them when in the area.. They never really sounded quite like that...... at least not the east coast variety. They always sounded like a baby crying for help. When we first moved in and told people about that sound, they all laughed.
That is what my daughter and I thought at first.. that it was a screaming kid

Johnny Best

Active Member
When you are in Barbados at night there are the whistler frogs making all sorts of high pitch sounds. They are small green frogs that are hiding in the shrubs. Do not think they go that far north. Take a flashlight and explore where the sounds are coming from.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I'm still wondering what frogs live in the Texas desert. Okay I looked it up. Could be frogs... But in Tex's climate... I'm still rooting for barn owls.


Very Active Signmaker
It's not desert where I'm at. We're in the prairie or plains whatever you call it. I saw a fat toad the other day when it was raining. There are retention ponds and little lakes all over the place here, so I assume that's where they live. I can see one of the lakes from my house so we're not far from water. My daughter like the flying ducks that live there. They shit all over the pier.
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Vinyl slayer

New Member
Sounds like frogs, they sound like that durning mating season
We had frogs in a pond (manmade water feature) when I was a kid. It was right outside my bedroom. The spring mating season was unbearable. But thank goodness they didn't sound like that!! Just a deep croaking sound. No screaming bloody murder. But I was curious and looked it up. I guess there are toads that sound like this. How Obnoxious!

Stacey K

I like making signs
We have a swamp behind the house and lots of frogs and coyotes but I've never heard toads/frogs like this before. I thought the coyotes were creepy sounding but this takes the cake! I learned something new today, very interesting! (hope your wife feels better soon :)



Premium Subscriber
We have coyotes and their cry is eerie. I don't like their sound. Fox are becoming very plentiful in our area and also sounds like tex's creepy neighbors. Tex just moved into a bad-a$$ neighborhood where they sacrifice babies and as they run out, his number is soon coming up. Wait'll ya hear that cry.


Stacey K

I like making signs
I planted my garden this weekend. Friday 2-6, then had some drinks. Saturday planted and went to a wedding in a barn. Sunday planted and watched movies. Monday, made a spread of food, played horseshoe and baseball and had some drinks. I don't really think I'm very cool but was just too busy to be on here. It was nice to unplug for a few days.