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Hovering Clients


Premium Subscriber
I've had 2 dog walkers looking to use my bathroom - which is not for public use. The first time, it worked out great, she came back a few weeks later and ordered $4000 of apparel for the business she did bookwork for.

The second one, before I knew it I was outside holding her dog leash. She came out and said my bathroom looked like a crack house. Then as she walks away, she dropped her rainbow phone so I picked it up. She goes to grab it and said, "OMG, I'm not a lesbian! I swear! I bought this rainbow case and I didn't know it meant I was gay. I swear I'm not a lesbian! I swear!" and she walked away....signs, lesbians and crack - a little something for everyone at my sign shop!

Man, I had a stupid old man give me 21 questions about acrylic, then use my bathroom and leave. I didn't think much about it until I went into the bathroom and he had peed all over everything.

As for the original topic, yes, I prepare myself to draw a crowd, and play dumb when they tell me I spelled it wrong. It is not my favorite, but I can usually deal with hovering, as long as they stay out of my bubble. I liked social distancing of 6' before this fancy covid thing came and made it cool.


Graphic Design | Production
When we're installing/whatever, I don't mind when they're chatting or just quietly watching (though I'd much prefer them not be there). BUT I absolutely hate having a client telling me how to do it, or worse - trying to get their hands in there.

Our shop only has one guy, and he's usually out doing the exterior install stuff; my female boss and I do most of the design/pre-print/print/lam/production/installation of in-shop stuff/decals/etch, and I look young for my age. I dunno if any other sign-makin-ladies have this issue, but we occasionally get the jocky meatheads who literally try and take tools out of our hands. One guy grabbed the squeegee and a half-peeled pre-mask out of my hand to "help", basically pushing me out of the way. So I just let him hold it there cause he didn't know what to do next. When we go do wall-installs or truck decals, there's often a "helpful" guy ready to push one of us out of the way to "help"...

I agree with above: give them something to hold! Make them measure something! They can't get themselves stuck to your vinyl if you give them a meaningless job!


I'm here for Educational Purposes
When we're installing/whatever, I don't mind when they're chatting or just quietly watching (though I'd much prefer them not be there). BUT I absolutely hate having a client telling me how to do it, or worse - trying to get their hands in there.

Our shop only has one guy, and he's usually out doing the exterior install stuff; my female boss and I do most of the design/pre-print/print/lam/production/installation of in-shop stuff/decals/etch, and I look young for my age. I dunno if any other sign-makin-ladies have this issue, but we occasionally get the jocky meatheads who literally try and take tools out of our hands. One guy grabbed the squeegee and a half-peeled pre-mask out of my hand to "help", basically pushing me out of the way. So I just let him hold it there cause he didn't know what to do next. When we go do wall-installs or truck decals, there's often a "helpful" guy ready to push one of us out of the way to "help"...

I agree with above: give them something to hold! Make them measure something! They can't get themselves stuck to your vinyl if you give them a meaningless job!
Yep! It's happened to me. "that perty lil girl can't do that! I'm a man so I'll take over". good grief.
I just smile real big and say thank you, I got it. then the smile immediately goes away and they get it loud and clear.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
This gives me endless amounts of joy, to know that for whatever reason, every sign shop has the worst bathroom, even those operated by the ladies.
Or did she just smoke some crack in there and was also the most honest person in the world?
I recently started a cleaning schedule and rotate it weekly between employees. Its better now but I bet I still have every one of y'all beat for nastiest employee bathroom. I don't get customers though, there's 24 hours in a day and they're at my place for 5 mins, how is it that so many of them have to go blow up MY bathroom? Did they plan their day around this? I point them to the employee bathroom so more power to them I guess.

Adam Vreeke

Knows just enough to get in a lot of trouble..
I recently started a cleaning schedule and rotate it weekly between employees. Its better now but I bet I still have every one of y'all beat for nastiest employee bathroom. I don't get customers though, there's 24 hours in a day and they're at my place for 5 mins, how is it that so many of them have to go blow up MY bathroom? Did they plan their day around this? I point them to the employee bathroom so more power to them I guess.
We had a delivery driver from a client that would always wait and blow up our bathroom because we had the fancy 2 ply TP. Better switch to the single ply so they get the message.


Premium Subscriber
I'm so p!ssed the sears and roebuck company went outta business. Now I hafta buy that TP. :mad:


Quit buggin' me
We had a delivery driver from a client that would always wait and blow up our bathroom because we had the fancy 2 ply TP. Better switch to the single ply so they get the message.
Need to go old school gas station bathroom mode - lock the door, attach the key to a cinder block and issue it with 4 squares of TP to any outsiders wanting to use it.

Stacey K

I like making signs
This gives me endless amounts of joy, to know that for whatever reason, every sign shop has the worst bathroom, even those operated by the ladies.
Or did she just smoke some crack in there and was also the most honest person in the world

LMAO! The sink and toilet are permanently stained from the hard water and they do not look the best. It's tiny and dark and I did try and make it look inviting by changing out the mirror, light, painting, adding some vinyl. It's kinda crack-house-ish but it's just me and it gets cleaned once a week.

If you don't like it don't use it! LOL
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It's better to have two hands than one glove.
LMAO! The sink and toilet are permanently stained from the hard water and they do not look the best. It's tiny and dark and I did try and make it look inviting by changing out the mirror, light, painting, adding some vinyl. It's kinda crack-house-ish but it's just me and it gets cleaned once a week.

If you don't like it don't use it! LOL
You might give some thought to practicing your primitive typography skills and tributes to Hobby Lobby motivational items where no one can see them.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Looks better than mine. Pre-Covid, I took the TP out of the office bathroom so no customers would come in my space and stink it up. I walked in 1 day and the bathroom cabinet doors were open in both bathrooms and seats down (I don't put it down cuz I'm a great husband). At first I thought some pill head must have came in digging around for goodies, then it hit me! Random dump averted. There's a bathroom in the shop, if you don't like it, go down to the truck stop.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Stacy, I think Bob is flirting with you. Your bathroom looks nicer than most, and not at all like a crack house bathroom. I wouldn't mind seeing those graphics when I use the powder room... unless I was feeling really UN-Amazing - then I might throw something at that wall. :biggrin:


Active Member
I've had 2 dog walkers looking to use my bathroom - which is not for public use. The first time, it worked out great, she came back a few weeks later and ordered $4000 of apparel for the business she did bookwork for.

The second one, before I knew it I was outside holding her dog leash. She came out and said my bathroom looked like a crack house. Then as she walks away, she dropped her rainbow phone so I picked it up. She goes to grab it and said, "OMG, I'm not a lesbian! I swear! I bought this rainbow case and I didn't know it meant I was gay. I swear I'm not a lesbian! I swear!" and she walked away....signs, lesbians and crack - a little something for everyone at my sign shop!
Sounds like my bathroom after Sleazy McMeth Head next door invites his "associates" over for business meetings in the toilet. I'd much rather be dealing with lesbians and rainbows.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
I might throw something at that wall. :biggrin:
Hopefully it doesn't stick!
tenor (7).gif
When you're onsite doing an install is there a polite way to tell your customer to leave you alone? eg. I've got 6' on material stretched out getting ready to stick it to the wall and some art director standing 5 feet away asking questions....
that reminds me of an install we did years ago on a 50' truck full of rivets, all 4 sides onsite but at least in town, 1 installer, I think we had a scissor lift, can't remember, windy day on a high traffic street. Anyway, there was an passer by-er, who perhaps had the day off? kept heckling our installer. He would say, "that doesn't does look that hard", "how long is that going to take you?", "did you go to school for that", "why are you doing that?" on and on. Funny how some jobs stick in your mind...


Premium Subscriber
We didn't have faxes. But, you could find a phone booth just about everywhere, too. Ya just hadda push Superman out if ya wanted to make a call...... for a dime.