just another thought because i have been having a similar discussion with many of my clients recently. when you are creating artwork requirements or trying to come up with a way to describe what you need from your clients use words and descriptions that they understand.
the majority of the time Bob the Baker is not going to know what we mean by pixel, converted to curves, bezier tool, etc. which are all words and phrases that i have seen recently from sign companies trying to communicate with their clients in regards to artwork requirements.
if you are going to have these discussions (and you already know my philosophy on it..doesn't mean that it is the right philosophy it is just how i choose to deal with the issue) but if you are going to educate your client you have to find a common language, you have to use words, descriptions and scenarios that they understand.
if you do not the majority of customers will still shake their head and make you think that they understand only to find out when they submit their art they still didn't understand..nothing gained, more frustration for everyone.
make it easy for your clients to do business with you...but make sure you charge them for it as well