Quit buggin' me
Yup. I tried my best to convince that client that instead of the out of proportion 4'x6' he INSISTED on getting, a 3'x8' would fit better and my revised design once I couldn't talk him out of his choice of illegible mariachis included a much bigger cutout graphic of them rising over the top of the sign. I don't know how many hours any of us are expected to waste when a client is completely set on "having it their way" but for a $650.00 job, we had maxxed out on trying with this one.
You did see the part of my last post about him choosing the 5th out of 6 mariachi graphics I offered him in terms of effectiveness and legibility?
Yes I completely understand that at times no matter what you do you can't always save a customer from themselves.
I'll have to hunt up some photos of a red Corolla I did for a customer in her 70's. Good customer, started out with white rally stripes down the sides and by the time we were "done" the roof was done up like the 8 of diamonds, yellow lighting bolts all over and clusters of stars on the bumpers covering up paint damage every time she ran into something......
wayne k
guam usa