New Member
customer input isn't a bad thing as it they know their business and that helps. what doesn't help is when they have an "artist" cousin or a kid that is a computer "whiz".
Oh yes. Where I used to work before starting on my own, we had a customer that imported diggers/excavators from China, and put their own branding on them. They modified them first with their own hydralic system that they had some kind of patent on. Anyway, the daugther of the owner was attending art school and had "designed" full graphics with all kinds off effects. We had to make them on the Gerber Edge with metallic and chrome foils and on top of looking dreadful, the actual graphics kit came out at well over $2000...
But the best (or worst) part is that they wouldn't pay for having us install it, they decided to buy two full kits and install themselves - so they had a spare kit if they messed it up!
Oh well, selling $4k worth of graphics instead of $2k made my boss very happy at least