Yeah, me too.
Okay, so you go to the store and know your budget. You will buy accordingly. That's a fact.
I think the rest of us are saying the same thing, but offering the person instead of caviar and brie, we're asking them if they'd like to try pizza with pepperoni and wings.... and if that doesn't cut it..... crackers and beer. I mean, anything goes with beer.

Really, what's wrong with offering someone three levels of something and letting them decide ??
You either put your vinyl, digital prints or hand painted graphics on high end substrates or go down to Cor-X. The graphics will cost the same regardless of what substrate you use, so you
design them according to their budget. It's a rather simple process and it makes everyone happy in the long run.
With only having one item on the menu, you better hope everyone can afford it and you haven't made your niche so unique that you only get a few customers. It's always been a good company policy to have many things from which to choose, so your customers don't go shopping at the next market or restaurant for everything. Competition is a good thing, but not in this market lately, I think it's a little better to be flexible.