Wow, are you missing the the way you contradict yourself? So the girl that "Googles all the questions" is she a Tech agent? who also programs Cisco Routers.... which doesn't have anything to do with security cause it's like a printer and neon signs? No, your right... you figured it out! No fooling you, next time you you call your IT guy to fix your problem just wink while paying that $300 invoice and say, "I know it just took you a min to Google it and click a few buttons!" We'll have a new respect for you cause you know the inside information on how we really operate.
You seem pretty angry, did you get a cs degree or something?

read my post where I said she was a tech agent. Nowhere did I say she was a system admin, or net admin. If she was, she'd be making a hell of a lot She can program a Cisco router, because becoming ccne certified is a cake walk, and her work offered it for free, so why not?
Anyways, I'm not a big believer in online arguments, so I'll end it after this post. No point in continuing - you seem to be misunderstanding what I said... But it seems personal to you, so I doubt I'll be able to convince you! If this post doesn't get my point across... Sorry if I offended you, and feel free to think I'm an idiot meddling in places I shouldnt be meddling .(for the record though, I'm ccne, CCNA, and a+ certified... Along with doing everything but the test for mcse) all around 10-15 years ago. I did it for fun, not for work... And it burnt me out and made me not enjoy computers as much, so I decided not to pursue a degree. I was going after becoming a net admin... But changed career paths midway. So while I'm not an expert, I do understand a "little" about the subject.
Just to simplify it... I do think most tech support stuff can be googled. I do think anyone with 20-60 mins of free time can learn to build their own systems from Google, or anywhere else .
Do I think someone can step into say Netflix, say they're a dev op and google their way through the job? Nope.
But 99% of the stuff people ask on here, or elsewhere about "why is my computer doing this" can be googled.
There was 2 posts this week about onyx or Flexi crashing - a quick Google search and the first result is to copy all your archived files and back then up, delete the work folder and see if that helps. 99% of the time that will... But you'd be amazed at how many people call that $300 tech who will just come over and do the same thing.
I encourage everyone to try and do their own troubleshooting. Just like I encourage everyone to do their own vehicle repairs. But if your one of them guys who will go pay $350 to get their brakes changed when 20 minutes of your time, and $100 for 4 shoes will save you $250... That's fine too.
But it's ludicrous to say no one but a mechanic should change their breaks because they might fail on the highway if a licensed mechanic doesn't do it.
This isn't the 90s anymore, everyone should be savvy enough to do their own technical support, and know when it's too much for them to handle themselves .