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How long for a design?


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
I had this long response, but it all ends up being.... why?... WHY was that design shown to the client? Who cares that the designer took 5 hours, he is bad, and slow... and you still sold it that way.

By the way, the file is a mess...

Not every design has to be a work of art... but
Bad design, performed at a snails pace is not a solid business plan.

Find a better designer, pay them a lot more per hour, expect workable files and design that will help your business grow. Find a back-up designer or 2, just in case.


New Member
I can do better then that with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back and it would only take a half hour or less!

I hate to ask how long it take's him to do screen printing?


That design i would think should take no more than hour-hour and half tops with customer proofs and all.

It is pretty simple but hey, gotta start somewhere i suppose. Kinda like doing yard signs digitally, It used to take me a hour to do like 5 of them and now i can do a sh!t pot in a hour

John Butto

New Member
Told you you would get good feedback and how long it would take after you posted that artwork. You not only lost $80 in profit but also your company's design reputation.


New Member
7 minutes?


  • lh proof.jpg
    lh proof.jpg
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Premium Subscriber
Have to agree with Rick on this one..... WHY ??

Let's go a step further. In your opening post, you said it looked great. Something tells me your expectations aren't very high to begin with. Unlike the Limbo Rock Dance, one usually wants to set the bar high in the designing portion of this business. It's not 'How Low-w-w-w Can You Go.

You need to have the :design: stop by for a chat on basic elements of design and application.


5 hours is a bit long on that specific sub par design. The problem I'm having the lynch mob mentality towards this designer that nobody knows anything about. Let's hear about the designer and who he is? 16yo kid? fresh college grad? There's always a story.