I did give helpful insight, you just don't like it. Not my fault, just another difference between us, so don't be busting my chops because your girl lost. The OP was indeed talking about a political logo and used by the infamous losing Hillary. How is that not about politics ?? You'd hafta be under a rock for the last 6 years not to think her name would not be surrounded by some kinda political slant. Just because I used some adjectives about the original source and used some terminology that bites your tuckus does not equate to discussing/talking politics. For eight years, everyone had to become PC to the point we couldn't discuss a thing...... anywhere. That will now change, as we don't have a thinned skinned person running the show. You'll call that something negative, I'm sure, but there are always two sides to a story and then there is the truth. No one ever discusses the truth, but their own puny side of the story.
As for the future of the board, as you discuss on Facebook and other such places, this place will be whatever direction eon takes it. You, along with others, have many times mentioned things change and time moves forward. Don't be locked into a single course and not be able to get out of the way when progress pushes you aside. Roll with the punches or get outta the way. The future of this site is like anything else in life...... it is what YOU make it. Either shut up and b!tch when you see a chance or make things great again. Sound familiar ??