As I get older... I've learned to listen more and take older folks advise more seriously, because most of the time they are trying to genuinely share their experience to give me a perspective that age has not allowed me to learn. I've talked with retired / near retiring business owners and some sign shop owners. A common theme of the "unsolicited" advise from them was to enjoy life while you're working. They regret not spending as much time with their kids as they could have. They say if they could do it over again, family-time and a proper work-life balance would 100% trump the time they spent growing their business.
Personally, I'm not on an ego trip that need to see how large I can grow my business and how much $$ can I make. I'm secure in knowing my abilities and knowing where my priorities need to be. I don't think I would "feel" any different if I have $100k in my account or $1 million in my account.
I'll retire comfortably going at my pace, and I feel I'm making the right choice staying small and enjoying life at a slower pace...Besides, $1,000,000 can't buy you an extra day with your little one once they are grown up.

... But I guess if you have no family then none of this matters...Cheers!