New Member
I love this place. It is TOO
!!! My partner has been signed up for a month or so now, and I disliked having to log in under that name- so here I am with my own. It seems that whatever questions I have, I can find an answer here or at least get pointed in the right directin. We both have experience in the graphics industry, although on total opposite sides of the spectrum- but IMHO, that is a plus for us starting out. I have been doing 'hand-painted' signs and murals for the last four years, and seeing the demand for vinyl, it just made sense to jump into it. Because we are starting on a shoe-string, we bought an el-cheapo Chinese plotter, but have fallen in love with the possiblities. I can't believe all the things there are to consider though. Glad this place is here and to be a part of it!