good lord, now that is some ambition! I dont think I would have the energy to go thru all that!
as far as crime I live in montgomery, al run by a dem that is obviously bought and paid for. Crime is rampant, neighboring towns are thriving and everyone is getting out of here and have been for the past 12 years really hard. Our PD sucks and has no leadership, corruption throughout the municipal system and wasteful spening....just your typical democratic run town.
No kidding right. I know angle grinders get through metal fast, but its a pretty thick door... And to get through 2 of them as well as try to get through the drywall in 5 places...its crazy!
Ikarasu lives in Canada, soon to be our 51st state.`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
Trump knows how to get under peoples skin... I'm sure he'd hate having Canada as the 51st state, but he knows how to masterfully piss off Trudeau
First sorry that you had to go through all that.
I'm in the safest city in America. NY... Of course that satistic is our beautiful governor Kathy Hochul based on a statement to the press. She went on a train ride to show how safe it is. While a lady was burned alive, and just 2 day ago, a victim was pushed in front of a moving train. But done worry, our DA Bragg will released them back into society.
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I heard about that. ... didn't want to watch the video, its crazy to think you can just be minding your own business and someone will do that to you. We have a lot of mental health problems in our society...
What an ordeal! Not all stores lock things up, but it is getting more and more so. I remember about 10 years ago seeing laundry detergent and baby formula getting locked up. Pretty sad to have baby formula locked up but I guess the theft was too much.
It's been about 15 years since I lived in Cali, and I dont remmeber anything locked up - Since then I've only been to Wasington a few times... The bellingham stores just recently in the past year started to lock up all their laundry detergents. I get some high valued items, but it feels like stores are having to go overboard and lock every single thing up.
WTF good is the alarm company? They should have called you second, police first.
Around here, they'll empty a truck if the bins are unlocked and the gate is open. But since we installed an automated gate, it never gets left open. Our neighbors down the road did just have a dump trailer hauled off in the night after having a lock cut, but my dumbass just left a gate open with a locked trailer with scissor lift, nobody touched it. It helps that we are not really in an industrial area, and are backed up to a flea market, so mostly we have folks trying to go through our fences to access their yard. I'm more likely to have the change stolen from my cup holders in my own front yard than any tools, since I live behind the HS.
Fun story, my dad and his brother split the company after my grandad passed. They got into a fight about money, pa changed the locks to the accounting office, and his brother took a chainsaw to the door after hours to get whatever he was after.
We have cameras in our building - When they get an alert they connect to the Cameras, check it out... And then they'll call the cops, or call me and ask if I want them to roll the cops out. About a year and a half ago I got a call every 2 nights due to power being out... it lasted almost a month as they were doing construction in our area. I went in every single time.... All of a sudden they stopped calling us for power outages, I thought the owner felt bad about me trecking down to work at 2 AM every other night and told them not to worry about it... but when I pointed out I dont get the calls anymore, he says he didnt say anything to them. I let them know to give a call whenever we have an outage now, no matter how late it is... As I'd rather lose an hour of sleep going there and back than have someone break in.
Was pretty peeved to find out the power was out for 45 mins before I got the call though - We dont have many power outages anymore as they put in all new lines... So we'll see if next time they let me know. I got our Camera system to send me a push notification / E-mail whenever a camera loses power, as well as got our IT monitoring system to e-mail me when the software cant reach the server. (As well as put a Camera with motion alerts / emails pointing towards every exterior door that doesnt have a motion sensor...) The alarm company is coming out for a meeting and to go over our security and beef it up... We pay a pretty penny for live monitoring, so I'm with you in wondering wtf good they were, could pay 1/10 the price and get an amazon alexa that has automated calling during power outages and cellular backup, etc.
Since the mid 60's...... is all the further I can remember back to as for rioting. This has been an ongoing problem for the entire country and it's still going on. Due to looting, no police direction and other problems, companies have been forced to try to protect themselves from not just the rioters, but people down on their luck and not being able to afford lotsa things. Those who feel they're entitled to these things, well, they just get away with it. As for not knowing or realizing this happened, to me indicates your country does not cover all the news in our country appropriately..... as I suspected for a long time. Regardless of what side of the fence you're on in this country, we all tend to know it's becoming a part of life, which is truly sad.
I know theres theft, When I was a kid the onlything locked up were electronics - I get certain things... Locally here They have a seperate entrance to cosmetics because thats an item that gets stolen a lot - Toys / other areas have huge cameras and monitors showing you that youre being watched...stuff like pokemon cards are locked up... but I'm not exagerating when I say 70-80% of the store was behind glass... If I were on my regular shopping trip, I'd have to bug an employee 10+ times to get stuff. I used to goto Seattle area weekly, and dont remember it being this way - I remember a yearish ago when I saw the laundry detergent locked up in bellingham I laughed...wondered if they had a problem with crackheads breaking them and making a mess or something. how do you walk out of the store with a 12" x 12" bottle that weights 20 lbs? how is the effort worth it vs getting a job... I know especially with the economy things are bad...just didn't realize they were THAT bad.
We haven't had the building broken into, but the fence into the yard has been cut a few times. They don't get much of value, usually just random stuff that's laying around the yard. I keep waiting for the catalytic converters to get cut out of the vehicles in the yard.
We had our fence cut a few times. One time we showed up to work to find a firepit... They had moved the barrels of flamable liquids for cover on a cold night, and used them for cover around the fire pit..... All of our screenprinting inks / solvents we dump for recycling. I think after we found that we spent thousands of dollars getting steel bars welded between the links, getting the fence built up higher and adding razer wire to all of the tops. Since then no one has broken in
Wasnt expecting so many responses! Todays our first official day back from the holiday - Got a new door coming in tomorrow.... just going to patch all the drywall and the second door with aluminum, Got some Solar cameras as well as really bright motion activated solar lights (about 5 of them) All around the building, that will go up next week... As well as the alarm company is coming out. I was more surprised at the length they went to to break in, I'm used to crackheads leaving pipes and needles all over our parking lot... A few fence snips, but to angle grind a door was a new one to us. So now we'll beef up security 10x what we need it to be at, then when they find another way to surprise it again.
Fun fact for you Americans. I wanted to get something for "Self defense" incase I was ever in that situation again - I've been to the shop at 2 AM for alarms multiple times and was never worried, but the first time the wife came with of course it was a legit one! guns are illegal... pepper spray is illegal... stun gun is illegal... After doing some research I found out you're not even allowed to carry a bat for self defense in Canada - Carrying anything you intend to use as a weapon for self defense is illegal... even a butter knife. I don't have much to Complain about Canada, it's not perfect..and most things fall into the "It sucks that its this way, but it could be worst" category that you just live with... . but imagine a world where your not just not allowed guns... but any forms of self defense at all

I got myself a Cold Steel Brooklyn Smasher to keep in the back seat of the truck, incase I feel like going to an impromptu session of "batting practice" at 2 in the morning at the warehouse.