Have you tried adjusting the step?
haven't bothered cause I know it's the heads that are crapped out or something...
Both printers I use myself exclusively are both demo units and ironically they are the machines with the most issues in the shop ...
as far as a maintenance contract it's company policy not to have any

The company I work for is part of a huge IT,Repro, office supply business group and we get our ink in-house and techs as well.
But our techs never take the time to come cause we're not really a customer and they don't know how to service the Hp only the Uniform Grenadier(Roland Eco-Sol convert uk unit ).
There was a real Hp tech that came numerous times apparently but he knew nothing about the machine ( didn't work here at the time ) and never fixed it yet I was pleased with the unit from march until about a month ago or so.
I was talking to one of the techs at Advantage the other day as I was having some jet issues. (they seemed to clear up afger printing a 60 pc poster run).
Anyhow, there it a way to actually fill the storage cups with ink and let them sit there overnight and finish up with a print head recover the next day.
I didn't get the details on how to do this but at least it's another option to try.Who did you purchase your 9000 from? I'd think that they could/should help walk you through this.
the unit is a couple years old ... demo ... yadayadayadayada ...
as far as this ink thing you are talking about it's the Wash Printheads feature.
Recommended in the manual if several head cleaning cycles haven't resolved print quality issues.
It's in the Ph Main ( maybe not main?!) menu ( up arrow in the regular menu and two or three ups or downs past Cap Cleaning+Wiper cleaning brings you to Wash Printheads ).
I run that sometimes overnight when I know I'll be printing big time the day after. If I do it during the day it'll be for 45 minutes or so hitting the button a couple times.
Also I have heard other people recommend it and seen positive results by putting some cap cleaning fluid on the caps and then running the Wash printhead.
I am so frustrated right now. The other solvent printer just had 4 heads replaced and I'm already having issues with rows of jets not firing even after printing big cmykrg blocks to unclog the heads...... gah digital printing s*ckz