I would highly advise against leaving the white in the machine, unless you do a ton of white printing. You don't get nearly the gamut as with 6 color, plus it cleans way more often w/white.
We were initially very happy with ours, but in the last few weeks have had the tech out here for hours on end trying to fix a myriad of issues, mostly with heads dropping out in the middle of prints, causing random banding. We nearly missed a huge deadline this week due to this, incurring plenty of overtime along with about 40% waste due to bad prints. Our tech is scheduled for Wed to hopefully fix the thing, I'll keep ya posted.
All in all, when the thing runs it prints beautifully if slightly slow. Not sure if ours is a lemon or what, but we've had some serious reliability issues with it while running it hard for the past 6 months or so.
As of now, I would say it's still a solid purchase but if you don't have the ability to have someone local fix it if down, instead having to wait for someone to travel to ya I'd ask plenty of questions prior to pulling the trigger.