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HP LX850 Constant Printhead Reseating (What's the real problem?)


New Member
My HP LX850 has had this issue recently. It prompts me to replace a printhead nearly every morning. It's usually the LC-LM printhead, and it usually just needs to be reseated. It usually takes at least a few tries for it to recognize the printhead is good, seated correctly... Today it's different. It's the C-MK head, and I've been reseating it for the past hour. The connection looks fine, free of debris. The printhead was working perfectly yesterday. I am at a loss for ideas, and just hoping someone else can help me out. Thank you.


New Member
I don't know what sensor that would be... I think we have some issue causing this particular head (C-MK) to fail early (1 month of moderate printing). I replaced the printhead and it is working now. I don't know much about the priming function of the heads, was wondering if I could diagnose the problem without bringing in an HP technician.


New Member
We have an LX800 that will do that periodically. Usually when it doesn't print enough. I try to print something every couple of days if it hasn't been printing regularly.


Active Member
We have an LX800 that will do that periodically. Usually when it doesn't print enough. I try to print something every couple of days if it hasn't been printing regularly.

I thought one of the selling points of the Latex printers is that you could let them sit for months and they would fire right up and print perfectly?


New Member
I thought one of the selling points of the Latex printers is that you could let them sit for months and they would fire right up and print perfectly?

Only if you drink the Koolaide. We have run ours really hard until about the last year. Our M64 prints better and faster than anything we have in the shop and takes most of the print load at the moment. I guess our LX800 might be jealous. It still runs banner and fabric good.


New Member
Few things you could try.

*machine off...
Try cleaning the printhead interconnect board contacts.
If feeling a bit savy, remove them and inspect all the wire contactors.

Swap Y/M interconnect with LCLM and give it some time to see if error goes to YM (good test to narrow feild)

Replace printheads, put the lm/lc back into orange storage components for later (not likely)

Cant swap data cables as LcLm and CK share a double connector at the upper engine board - which could suggest cable failure as you see it on both heads. But that is a last resort part change imo.