I call HP support directly. It's a know issue, they don't call it bad ink, they call it underperforming!! They need just a little info and will overnight a new ink. They will include a new filter if you press them.
We had quality issues from the hp ink from the beginning. even hp tech agreed that we had such a history with a new machine and asked higher ups to address the damage to heads and vacuum system and they refused. HP would of course send replacement inks that may seem to work better for a small period or time or not at all.
We learned the hard way of HP covering up the issue with inks for the 550. They as mentioned knew of the issue with the 2 factory's that were making this and the balance was never right.
Until we had a 3rd party technician come and and with in 15 minutes of review ing that it was HP bad ink and stated if we replaced the ink with a proven 3rd party ink all issue s would go away. Which they did immediately.
HP and local ink supplier came in and offered to take the $5000.00 ink back and credit me as we exhausted the replacement ink with a year of bad quality.
I have since spoken with dozens of HP ink users that had the same problems and rectified it with a reliable 3rd party ink.
The have not refunded my monies although they did receive the bad ink.
There for I'm reaching out to add contacts to my list that have had similar issues and would like to hold HP responsible for hiding and covering up the issues from us HP owners and users.
Join the little guy taken on the giant. Contact me for more information