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HP5500-Dye Blurry Images


New Member
Hey all,

Been a member here for a couple months soaking in all the knowledge I possibly can! I work for a print company in Pottstown, PA producing tradeshow graphics. Running into a problem with our HP5500 over the past couple days and now I'm at a desperate point for help.

I'm including some images below of our issues. Our prints are coming out blurry. The problem is incredibly inconsistent. We can print a file and it'll come out fine, then the next one will be messed up. Today, I've started to get an error that the printhead path is jammed at the start of some prints, even though when I watch the print start there's nothing blocking the path.

I've gone through and cleaned the printhead carriage, and replaced the lens, still no fix. Happening across different media types as well. Even files that printed fine yesterday are having a problem. I've included a picture of a color test that I ran which came out fine. Immediately sent through another file and have the problem showing up again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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New Member
Cleaned the Encoder strip, still bad. Going to work on the Bidirectional Calibration now. Thanks for the advice so far!


New Member
Is the carriage belt OK? No fraying or so? Have you cleaned and lubricated the carriage rails recently? If they are dirty the carriage sticks to it a bit and "wobbles", could cause the problem. Just my .00002 cents...


New Member
If you see bits of what looks like eraser shaving under the carriage rails, the drive belt is done.

I had the same problem and had to replace the drive belt. Did it myself, bought the kit for $129.00 and it comes with all the tools needed as well as a step by step tutorial. If you are mechanically inclined it shouldn't be a problem to replace.

Here is were I bought the belt kit. http://www.lpscomputer.com/p-2503-hp-designjet-5000-5500-carriage-belt-kit-60-plotters.aspx


New Member
You guys nailed it, looks like the carriage belt is shot. Getting a replacement in here Monday. Thanks for the help!