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Hydro dipping prints?



Hey guys, Anyone know if a eco-sol printer or anything we can buy can print the hydro dipping patterns? Was asked about it today and wasn't sure.



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There was a thread about this a couple of weeks back. I know stuff is being developed but as far as I know nothing is available to do this yet other than gravure/intaglio printing presses.


New Member
custom printed hydrodipping films

I print my own films - been doing it for last couple of years. You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEYeKRn3r-g
To answer the OP question, no, solvent inks don't work. Not about to say what does, but if there is enough interest I might consider becoming a MM - to print films for you boys and girls. Just imagine the possibilities...All kind of plastics, wood, metal - you name it - can be dipped.
There is a forum devoted to the technology - it's VERY extensive, very helpful people w a lot of knowledge helping each other - I have no connection w the site, just a member:
Anyway, back to work - if anybody wants to talk, PM me - the email on the video is not good anymore.



New Member
I have been trying to find info on this, i have seen youtube video of someone using an epson photo printer to print the film for this method but i have not been able to find out exactly what ink/type of printers could be used to print the film.
secondly i cant find where i can buy the film from so i can use my epson printer to try printing a film

anyone know anything about this? i checked that liquidconcept website and i really dont think that site is that helpful. seems like a big market place only for people trying to make money off eachother and sell pre-printed films


New Member
Checked out that site, everyone seems nice and tight lipped about equipment/film/ink needed, but most seem to be using a gravure printing method printing on PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) films and an undisclosed oil/solvent ink. although one person did say that they had printed using an epson solvent printer with some degree of success

Yesit can be done , the printer needs to be Epson , that is the only print head that will do , yes the ink is oil based , I did trial some that I got sent ages ago . It dipped ok , but its not cost effective , as you need to buy the film , printer , ink and use their own activator which you need 2 off an A and a B activator , A is sprayed to stop the ink form going ape**** when you activate it . I would also say the quality was not upto scratch as normal film patterns are . So their you have it , all in all you would be wasting your money and time .


Yeah, I am not sure why it's kinda secret to what machines and inks can print this stuff but it's deff not like our wide format stuff lol


New Member
heres a place in washington that does it -- I smell an industrial espionage trip


no one here is looking to buy films or have someone else dip for us. we want to print our own lol i am a graphic designer and all my friends from school are aswell and i have to laugh at all of the patterns and graphics that sell because they are so horribly designed, atleast not to my likings, i would want whatever i dipped 100% custom


Deluded Artist
HydroGraphic Printing

Yeah, I am not sure why it's kinda secret to what machines and inks can print this stuff but it's deff not like our wide format stuff lol

I print custom hydrographic film for the wholesalers / industry. And yes you can print it on Epson Workforce printers, but you need to buy the whole kit. I print it on a different printer though. I can print 1 meter wide x 100 meters long with up to eight separate colors.

So if you have a hankering to put your logo on your rifle, let me know!



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Active Member
nice to know that you can do custom prints, how do you account for distortion to the shape of the item? example a motorcycle gas tank.

also this thread is 3 years old and the OP is no longer here

before you can offer your services you need to get a MM account.

Coppers Lot

New Member
I print custom hydrographic film for the wholesalers / industry. And yes you can print it on Epson Workforce printers, but you need to buy the whole kit. I print it on a different printer though. I can print 1 meter wide x 100 meters long with up to eight separate colors.

Whilst 3 years old it's good to see some of the od threads are still being read.
May I ask what the full kit is though please because as far as I can see all you need is some film, pigment ink, some chemical sealer, some xylene mixed with thinner and some heated water.
Of course 1 meter x 100 meters might require an extra roller or three and a tunnel dryer but is it not possible for small runs to be done in the small shop?


Deluded Artist
HydroGraphic Prints

Whilst 3 years old it's good to see some of the od threads are still being read.
May I ask what the full kit is though please because as far as I can see all you need is some film, pigment ink, some chemical sealer, some xylene mixed with thinner and some heated water.
Of course 1 meter x 100 meters might require an extra roller or three and a tunnel dryer but is it not possible for small runs to be done in the small shop?

Sure, small runs are possible! Most of my custom production is for 30 SqFt or less. "The full kit"? Are you asking about the "Secret Sauce" process or just want to know where to buy a kit of stuff to print on your desktop printer? Here is the printing process as it's done in China, if that helps answer your question. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/VeNLPT4vaxg/


New Member
I printed a couple sheets for a guy last year, or so, this is where he got the material, http://www.prostreetgraphix.com/ Only for pigment printers. Seen someone had the 'secret sauce' formula on ebay, for seven bucks. You still have to base coat, and clear. Not quite as cut, and dried, as they show on the videos. And a little pricey.

Coppers Lot

New Member
Sure, small runs are possible! Most of my custom production is for 30 SqFt or less. "The full kit"? Are you asking about the "Secret Sauce" process or just want to know where to buy a kit of stuff to print on your desktop printer? Here is the printing process as it's done in China, if that helps answer your question. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/VeNLPT4vaxg/

No I was asking if the "full kit" you refereed to in your post was anything more than what I had listed.
I have the means to buy Activator "A" of the shelf in any paint suppliers in the world and 4 chemical recipes for Activator "A". .
The process isn't anything special with the exception of actually making pva film I'm sorted at a personal level.

What is special is that you are in the USA making 100 meter runs in house and not importing from printed runs China.
Do you get your blank film from Jet Young or do you source that locally too?


Deluded Artist
No I was asking if the "full kit" you refereed to in your post was anything more than what I had listed.
I have the means to buy Activator "A" of the shelf in any paint suppliers in the world and 4 chemical recipes for Activator "A". .
The process isn't anything special with the exception of actually making pva film I'm sorted at a personal level.

What is special is that you are in the USA making 100 meter runs in house and not importing from printed runs China.
Do you get your blank film from Jet Young or do you source that locally too?

Yes I buy the PVA Film from China in 250 meter rolls. But, I don't think I have ever made a 100 meter run. I am just capable of running that much at one time. None of my customer want to buy that much custom printed film at one time. If they need that much, I just sell them the pattern and they have in made in China for a lot less money. Custom Printed Hydrographic Film sells for $4 to $5 per SqFt. They can buy it from China for less than $1 per SqFt.


Deluded Artist
PVA Film prices from China

Yes, Coppers Lot, the price will actually drop with the exchange rate between the Renminbi and the US Dollar. But that price drop will be a negligible part of the whole price of the finished custom digitally printed hydrographic film. Of the $1280.00 per roll that I pay for the PVA film, $380.00 of that is for shipping. So to answer your question, no, the price won't be lower for the final product. Bummer....

If your question is referring to the pre-printed hydrographic film that's sold by chinese printers, the answer is no there also. The USA distributors will just pocket the difference.