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i am a newbie hello


New Member
hello i have just arrived, i hope to start a new business in signs and vehicle graphics, i have no equipment or materials, i hope i have come to the right place for a wee bit of advice, i will be quite happy to purchase secondhand machines, i do not know what make of equipment to buy, i await any replies, thank you


New Member
Frome One Newbie to the Other

Hello Rab, I am a newbie too, and have been on this forum for about a week... a learned a lot. One advice, do the same, take your time and read, read, read. Then ask specific questions, seems that people on this forum have a real willingness to help.

See you :)


New Member
Hello Rab, I am a newbie too, and have been on this forum for about a week... a learned a lot. One advice, do the same, take your time and read, read, read. Then ask specific questions, seems that people on this forum have a real willingness to help.

See you :)

Karamba has it exactly right. Welcome from Ohio :Welcome: