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I am all in !! Contract on new shop.

UFB Fabrication

New Member
Well its official, we close on the new shop on April 30th. Its almost 3 times the size at 20,000 sq. ft. We will move in mid-late June. This is our 4th move since starting out in the garage. I am fired up !!


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New Member
OK, I have some serious "new shop envy." I put a bid in on a foreclosed building Monday and I have my fingers crossed. It's not 20k' and it's certainly not as nice as yours, but if I get it, it will be MINE! No more renting. It will be my 4th move as well... moving sucks!

That is a great looking shop, congrats!
Congrats. That's awesome that you started in your garage and have grown into a 20000 sq ft space. Best of luck in your new location.



New Member
That is awsome, gives me hope since I am starting out right now in a shop behind my grandmothers house.


New Member
Damn! nice digs...Makes my 7,000 s.f. feel like a shack! Congrats and may you make tons of money to pay for it :)


New Member
WOW....shop envy is right!!!!

....but now, ya gotta pay for it all!!

best of luck in your new facilities.

(is the forklift included??)


New Member
Thats nice, we are also in the market for a new space we are going to look at a building today not ava. to purchaseas of yet but has to be on a lease with option though to buy in the future it is 10 times the space we have now (so we can have everthing in one shop instead of half of it in my big garage) and has its own parking lot.
Congrats on that building its awsome looking.

UFB Fabrication

New Member
The new shop is only 5 minutes from the old shop. For those out of the area its in St. Louis county Missouri. We have been looking for a while but everything was to much$$, to small, low roof, bad area and so on. Some really good deals to be had. Our lease was up in Aug with a 1 year option so it was great timing. I hated writing that rent check every month and would rather pay myself (and the bank) . Thanks to our customers we have been fortunate to stay fairly busy. We have kind of been stuck with how much we can produce because of space. This should allow us to be more efficient and increase volume and quality at the same time. It will also let use bring in more equipment as well.


Premium Subscriber
:thumb: That place looks fantastic.

You're gonna love paying a mortgage instead of a rent check.

I wish I would've done it 30 years ago. I still walk around our shop and just smile. Lucky for us, there's another building attached to ours and it practically pays our mortgage. Maybe you wanna think about setting something small up for some extra rent income in some space you could afford to give up. :rolleyes: