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I cannot get Flexi 21 in Windows 10 to talk to production manager...


New Member
Flexi 21 in Windows 10,

I cannot get Flexi to talk to production manager. When I choose cut/plot from the menu in Flexi the Production manager program opens but not the actual work cutting layout window. I get an options box to select "on this computer" (which I select) or network. I then get a production manager "time-out" message "try again". When I try again the error messages go round in a loop back to select "this computer/network"etc).

I can open the production manager and see my plotter set-up named on the lefthand side and the port connection and plotter type are ok.

Things worked fine minutes earlier from starting the m/c up but a security software update downloaded whilst Flexi was open and I clicked "restart to install" After this Flexi could be opened ok but when I selected "cut/plot" productuion manager wouldn’t open at all and I got an error message (can’t remember wording) when I clicked on it I got the "production manager timeout" message.

I then cleared preferences and reopened Flexi. I clicked cut/plot and added my plotter to the set-up. Production manager opened but only came up with the loop "connect to this computer" and "production manager time out"

Regards, SignTDF


Active Member
(Try putting in your ip address, AS THOUGH it is a different computer

disable firewall

i would suspect a windows update. Uninstall the last couple if they just installed