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I like crisp edges and I cannot lie, you other signers can't deny...


New Member
These signs are for a high school of about 300 students. I made the maintenance guys a large di-bond sign and they ordered these signs on the same substrate. I said, If a student slaps the sign, it could bend and or cut them. The response was "Good, then we will know who did it, Haha". The client will pay whatever price I "hope to get" but because pricing is shunned in the public forums I tried to slip it in there...

These will last 5 years and nobody but you guys will notice the brackets.


New Member
Let me also mention that this is not a product I advertise or make regularly. We all get those weird requests. In this instance, I realized that two of the edges of these signs would be against a wall, requiring only two clean visible edges. The contractor guy saw my dark blue oracal 651 and the corner brackets and said make it happen. I have a lot of drop MDO which was a no brainer. Two cuts each on the table saw, apply vinyl to each side, paint edges, drill holes, done. 2 yds. of calendered vinyl, maybe $1 in paint, and $40 for brackets and nuts/bolts. Chalk me up for $450 profit in a half days worth of work. (5 of these so far, taking bets on how many they order for the other schools...)