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I need help Please


New Member
I am ready to send in another Survivor Application tape.
I need ideas !
12 years and 27 apps never a call back.
What can I do to get noticed ?
What do they want to hear ?


New Member
I think you should be very loud and controversial. That way the audience either loves you or hates you. Lord knows they love putting those people on.

Good luck! :toasting:


Quit buggin' me
Get a bag of live pigeons and bite their heads off as you make your case.
(worked for Ozzie)

wayne k
guam usa
have you been to any of their live calls/auditions. They had one at our TINY shopping mall about 4yrs ago. I was there simply shopping & was approached & interviewed. But I have some serious ankle problems & was dealing with post ankle fusion surgery issues & couldn't imagine being in that environment while still recovering.

I truly believe they play / search for the 'hero & villian' angle as well as those who they know will follow specific stereotypes..too many psychology classes :)

strong personalities
memorable traits

if you are a lady young..willing to sign a waiver for a few closeup & underwater or wet buff t&a shots

I regret not talking to them more seriously


New Member
have you been to any of their live calls/auditions. They had one at our TINY shopping mall about 4yrs ago. I was there simply shopping & was approached & interviewed. But I have some serious ankle problems & was dealing with post ankle fusion surgery issues & couldn't imagine being in that environment while still recovering.

I truly believe they play / search for the 'hero & villian' angle as well as those who they know will follow specific stereotypes..too many psychology classes :)

strong personalities
memorable traits

if you are a lady young..willing to sign a waiver for a few closeup & underwater or wet buff t&a shots

I regret not talking to them more seriously

Yes I was at that casting call !
And three others , 1 more there and 2 in Columbia Sc.
Not a female , so no T/A shots.
I did one tape in a sea shell bra and grass skirt , it was kinda funny.
Strong personality not so much . assertive a little when I need to be.
Memorable traits ? Can't think of any. 6'5" is the only thing that comes to mind.
I never quit anything, stubborn as a mule , and a very high tolerance for pain .
If anyone can think of anything even I can do to get a call it would be great !
I would make the cut if I could get an interview .


New Member
strong personalities
memorable traits


where something on your head as that has been done in shows.

have a quirk, best to make one up as the stranger the better. remember way way back the dude who talked in to shell or nut or something like it was a cell phone?
go to a beach location & set up a mock tribe ,with you as the strong leader or evil villain..pretty sure that's why they were interested in me :)
doing part skit part interview showing your traits in a comical way..remember these guys get thousands upon thousands upon applications. Do anything & everything you can to stand out..

for example years ago I'd send out my quotes super large instead of standard 8x11 & it generated a huge amount of exposure and eventually a separate business.

I've received a resume once with a stick of gum attached for me to 'enjoy' while reviewing their resume...weird..but to this day I've never forgotten it & I can't remember even a fraction of 1% of all the resumes I've received & reviewed..so for whatever reason in that sense it worked.