Arlo Kalon 2.0
New Member
I have designed a headstock layout for the maker of a handbuilt guitar I recently acquired. I tried cutting a vinyl paint mask for applying it to the guitar but it was too small for the detail to come out crisp enough with hand painting it. If someone could do an EDGE print for me on high performance clear I'm sure that would work. I don't have an Edge foil chart available but know it would involve metallic gold and black as the only colors. When I had an EDGE I don't recall if there was a brighter gold metallic available than what I would describe as the "standard" gold metallic. If there is, it would show up better as it's going on very dark stained wood. Actually, I'll take whatever I can get though. I'd like two of them. The size is extremely small, like around .75 in x 2.25 in. It would be easiest for me to pay you with PayPal. Any takers on this huge, highly profitable, hard to turn down job? As an additional incentive, I'll send ya a copy of my first cd whenever I get around to recording it!