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I need some help. Pleeeease?


New Member
Not sure where to post this on the forum and I sure hope this is allowed. You guys have not have to ask for help in a long time and you guys were great helping out in the past. So thank you!

I must admit, I am not an artist. I am not great at making great logos. I am more of a hobbiest with this great equipment that far exceeds my abilities. But, tuturial by tuturial at a time I am sloooowly catching on.
Anyhow this is my brothers business card. I need to separate the graphics from the lettering without disturbing the graphics that lye underneith. The company that originally made the cards for him years ago has gone out of business so we cannot get the files from them.
Can anyone help me out with removing the lettering and leaving just the graphics? If so please send the files to mattwnh@gmail.com I needed these like yesterday.

Thank you in advance! And a life saver!

I've attached the file.


  • image.jpeg
    27.8 KB · Views: 176


New Member
Anytime you have something like this, don't bother going about it the way you describe.

Simply search Istock photo, CanStock Photo, Fotolia, and similar services. Locate the artwork, purchase the license for it in the size that best fits your needs. Then set the type over top.

Should not cost very much, certainly less than the time required to mess with the original, which by the way, may not be of adequate quality.

Usually you can find this type of art on photo sites. Once in a great while the client's photo is an original photo by him. But that's rare.


Designer/Project Manager
Best thing is to always get a nice stock photo (most you will find are better than the one in the image). Pulling text out of an image like that is more costly since it would require a very skilled PS user. I can offer to redesign it for you since I have a few stock photo subscriptions and do this stuff almost all day every day.


New Member
Getty? Last time I looked at them, their fees were outrageous! They got some nice pics, but not worth it.

You're not their target market. It's for companies that want imagery that's super high quality, unique and hasn't been used by thousands of other companies already (like most good photos on regular stock sites).