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Need Help I suck at Photoshop...please help me


New Member
Come on, now.

1. A vignette is hardly "intellectual property".
2. He barely wants the "fish" that's being given to him, let alone want any more fish after this one!

Yes, this forum is here so people can learn how to do things. But what's wrong with giving a litlte help every so often? It took literally 2 minutes of my 15 minute break!
He can't help it...some people are just douche bags...they can't help it...
I really appreciate your help sir...don't hesitate reaching out if you ever need anything...


Graphics Department
A Vignette may not be intellectual properly but in the post above he’s literally stated he’s copying the entirety of the design. To match the other few hundred signs about town. How would you feel if this guy was asking for free help to steal one of your signs?

This forum is great for learning but really? Stealing a design then having the audacity to admit you can’t even copy a basic part of it then expecting it to be done for free? Definitely not the person I’d be helping on my break..

I've done worse, for less. :D

Andy D

Active Member
Alright...I guess we have yet another smartazz...
Don't take it personally okeesigngu, it's not you, it's the fact that most of these guys have done designs before, only to
see the customer took their design to a cut-throat , low-balling sign company, so it's a sensitive issue.

If we're being honest, doubt anyone here isn't guilty of a customer wanting us to use their logo and/or layout on a business card, letterhead, website, photo, ect.
and not being worried if it was a professional designer, web designer, print shop, nephew, ect. that created their logo and/or layout.
Who really makes the customer prove who made their logo?
Last edited:

Jun Lanon

New Member
Wow!!! 41 years in the industry. That's a long time to rip off other sign shops.
Help provided when asking for help without the attitude.
This guy should be a mentor to many of us here.
I bet he'd made his billions by now.
Sounds like a greedy power hungry MF to me. "Either my way or no way kinda attitude"


Graphic Design | Production
You know, there's been a few times where a client comes in and asks for a specific type of vinyl followed by a design that's clearly clipped from another sign shop's proof, and they say "can you make this?"...

My answer is NOT "I can, but I won't, you should go back to our competitor where they clearly didn't ask for a deposit when they should have, and also didn't meet your needs if you're coming here."

I've had designs taken - and if I spend a lot of design time I had a deposit that covered it. o_O *shrugs*
Someone that threw a outer glow on a chopped up headshot didn't spend a lot of design time.

Jun Lanon

New Member
I want to thank the awesome folks on here that do not have their heads up their azzes...
And to those guys...I can not wait to see you ask for help so I can also act like a jerk and harass you...

SINCERLY.....Thank to those who helped me...I will not hesitate helping you should the opportunity ever arise...
Can you help me copy a stolen image on a photoshop?


New Member
It's just a freaking outer glow ... How hard is it to tell the man how to apply it in Photoshop!
How hard is it to guide him to type the question in google and have a look at some of the videos.
Stealing the layout?? Please ... Looks like a real estate agent type sign.
I would recreate it for a new customer no problem! (Copied from their old signs)
You all do it anyway!


New Member
I can see there are sickening f*cks on this forum...little pussy bitches that have no work to do so they hang around on here and wise off...kinda makes you never want to come here again...
Somehow they think they know every little detail of everybody's life...
They don't know what is happening or the people involved but like the little bitches they are they think they know everything there is to know...

It is experiences like this that makes me glad I will be retiring soon as there are too many know it all little bitches in this world anymore and I think a few of them have found their way to this forum...

To the moderators here.....it's been nice but these whinny little bitches that apparently have no signs to be working on have completely ruined the vibe here...it's pretty sad...
I will say one more thing...shit like this is not helping the forum at all...

Thanx to those that helped and to the whiny little bitches...well, you know...

Johnny Best

Active Member
The guy just asked for some help in Photoshop! All of us ask for help identifing fonts, we did not create the font in the logo, someone else did. You guys need to get off his back. "If you live in a glass house do not throw rocks." Okeesignguy seems like a good fellow. If you don't want to help just move on.

Jay Grooms

Printing, Printing, Printing......
It is experiences like this that makes me glad I will be retiring soon as there are too many know it all little *****es in this world anymore and I think a few of them have found their way to this forum...

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Andy D

Active Member
Sounds like an immature 17 year old kid. He got what he wanted and laughed it out and cuss away.

I take it you haven't been around a lot of old timer sign guys, be careful this will be you someday (if you're lucky) :)
I started in signs right when computers were becoming the standard in the mid-nineties & was computer savvy, so that's where I started...
I am so glad the old sign makers, like okeesignguy, were still around, I learned so much from them.
I'm amazed okeesignguy does computer design at all, most people that have been in signs that long had a real tough time transfering to computer,
I know it's getting harder for me everyday to keep up with it all.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
I take it you haven't been around a lot of old timer sign guys, be careful this will be you someday (if you're lucky) :)
I started in signs right when computers were becoming the standard in the mid-nineties & was computer savvy, so that's where I started...
I am so glad the old sign makers, like okeesignguy, were still around, I learned so much from them.
I'm amazed okeesignguy does computer design at all, most people that have been in signs that long had a real tough time transfering to computer,
I know it's getting harder for me everyday to keep up with it all.
Or still trying to keep an old gerber running until they retire


Active Member
rabble rabble.....outer glow.

empathy goes both ways. take a moment to realize what triggered an initial reaction, and where it came from, and take another moment to consider your response....as to not continue the back/forth of it all into hysteria. its what all the cool people do nowadays, when they've grown tired of victimizing themselves.

Andy D

Active Member
I can see there are sickening f*cks on this forum...little pussy *****es that have no work to do so they hang around on here and wise off...kinda makes you never want to come here again...
Somehow they think they know every little detail of everybody's life...
They don't know what is happening or the people involved but like the little *****es they are they think they know everything there is to know...

It is experiences like this that makes me glad I will be retiring soon as there are too many know it all little *****es in this world anymore and I think a few of them have found their way to this forum...

To the moderators here.....it's been nice but these whinny little *****es that apparently have no signs to be working on have completely ruined the vibe here...it's pretty sad...
I will say one more thing...**** like this is not helping the forum at all...

Thanx to those that helped and to the whiny little *****es...well, you know...

Just block them dude, no reason to leave.

Bobby H

Arial Sucks.
Andy D said:
If we're being honest, doubt anyone here isn't guilty of a customer wanting us to use their logo and/or layout on a business card, letterhead, website, photo, ect.
and not being worried if it was a professional designer, web designer, print shop, nephew, ect. that created their logo and/or layout.

Who really makes the customer prove who made their logo?

How many sign companies or even freelance graphic designers claim an ongoing copyright ownership of a logo they designed for another company? If I design a logo for someone, either thru my day job or freelance after hours for non-sign-related work I'm going to charge them one time and then be done with it. The design itself and time involved researching and creating it is worth something. But once the client buys that logo it should belong to the client outright. You can maintain the original files and even charge fees when they need something done with the design or logo files. Regardless of the arrangement it's best to get details in writing, even a contract in some cases.

This is different from charging first use serial rights for something like an illustration published in a magazine. The illustrator gets to keep the original piece of artwork and the copyright. If the magazine wants to buy the image outright, even the original artwork, then those terms get negotiated for the illustrator to get paid considerably more money.

Many of us have been burned by clients who took our PDF sketches to rivals and had them reproduce the work as is. Once in awhile the rip-off is a bad enough act to justify getting attorneys involved. Most of the time I just blow it off. The vast majority of our clients are pretty trustworthy. When I do get a bad feeling about a client I'll do several things to digitally trash up things like PDFs so any sign company trying to use it will have lots of technical problems.

Then there's jobs where there's not much you can protect in the design. If the client gives you a bunch of assets (photos, logos, etc) where little in the design is created from scratch there's not much that can be protected. Major companies all have their branding guidelines where signs are supposed to be composed in a specific way. In those cases you're just doing leg work and not creating anything new. A rival sign company can try to undercut your bid with the same exact design. Your relationship with that client could make the difference on them taking the lower bid.

Andy D said:
You ever work with the one that you added little weights to the cutting head to increase pressure?

We had a Gerber Signmaker 4B back in the early 1990's. Gotta love sprocket fed vinyl (15" wide IIRC). But it was good at cutting thick material, like sandblast stencil mask. We sold our 4B to a monument company after buying a 36" Allen Datagraph vinyl plotter. I think that was around 1995 or 1996.