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Opinion I think a light bulb just went off today................................................

De.signs Nanaimo

New Member
:roflmao: Did this thread bring out all the boneheads or what ??

You people can't read for sh!t and what you do read, you don't seem to be able to comprehend.
I don't care how you classify yourself..... slow, simple or dim. I never said that and never called anyone that. That just goes to show your inability to deal with those you don't consider your equal, regardless of what you say. Just backpedal and change the subject. That'll get the masses off your a$$, huh ?? Let's just pretend I didn't say anything mean/derogatory. I was just being condescending and got caught. Schmuckette.
So you just pick the words that don't offend you, but they mean the same thing. Calling yourself smart, does not make you smart.


New Member
The prepress forum did that years ago, and all the oldtimers went rogue and started their own forum. I still peek in there a couple times a year, it's down to the core ten members who post day in/day out about their printing prowess and mad skillz. Everyone else lost interest.
Everyone else in there is working in another field... like you and me!


New Member
Now, I see why so many others have left. Not leaving myself, but posting is gonna be monitored much more closely.

Will posting be monitored so only posters with an approved agenda will be seen?
I owned and created a popular concrete pumpers forum. Like here, people from around the world became members.
Like here, the General Chit Chat portion was an inferno.
Quite a few people got upset at times. Advertisers threatened to pull ads because some one made an offhand remark about their product. Such is the nature of forums.
We had few rules.
The major infraction was inability to backing up claims or comments with suitable discourse.
Posts weren't deleted but members were who refused to argue their disputed case.
The forum became a petty good money maker. Somebody offered to buy and I sold.
The new owner immediately began deleting posts that offended his sensibilities, correcting typos, sending private messages warning posters.
When disputes or disagreements arouse he deleted the topic.
The members were incensed.
In three months the forum vanished.
So what if people don't get along?
So what if somebody posts information that is Not Exactly True? (NET)
So what if some hick from North Central Washington is a die hard Gun Toting, Bible Clinging, Free Market Capitalist, Constitutional Conservative?
So what if this forum is filled with bleeding heart leftists who believe in infanticide, the election was honest, the Pandemic was genuine and this nation owes them something?
Using the forum for censoring the thoughts of posters will be done at the peril of the forum.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Will posting be monitored so only posters with an approved agenda will be seen?
I owned and created a popular concrete pumpers forum. Like here, people from around the world became members.
Like here, the General Chit Chat portion was an inferno.
Quite a few people got upset at times. Advertisers threatened to pull ads because some one made an offhand remark about their product. Such is the nature of forums.
We had few rules.
The major infraction was inability to backing up claims or comments with suitable discourse.
Posts weren't deleted but members were who refused to argue their disputed case.
The forum became a petty good money maker. Somebody offered to buy and I sold.
The new owner immediately began deleting posts that offended his sensibilities, correcting typos, sending private messages warning posters.
When disputes or disagreements arouse he deleted the topic.
The members were incensed.
In three months the forum vanished.
So what if people don't get along?
So what if somebody posts information that is Not Exactly True? (NET)
So what if some hick from North Central Washington is a die hard Gun Toting, Bible Clinging, Free Market Capitalist, Constitutional Conservative?
So what if this forum is filled with bleeding heart leftists who believe in infanticide, the election was honest, the Pandemic was genuine and this nation owes them something?
Using the forum for censoring the thoughts of posters will be done at the peril of the forum.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Im not sure which one that is?
But it’s crossed my mind a few times lately due to how this one has been ran and the lack of moderation.
Like when the playground supervisor gets preoccupied, and the kids run wild, but playground rules still apply, enforced by the kid's that care about their turf. Or something like that.


Like when the playground supervisor gets preoccupied, and the kids run wild, but playground rules still apply, enforced by the kid's that care about their turf. Or something like that.
We have enforcers here?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Moderation at Signs 101 is highly improved when members use the Report link circled in red below when moderation is needed.



New Member
Speaking of light bulbs...
Dim bulbs consider moderation and censorship a solution.
Particularly in General Chit Chat!
The depth and character of person who uses report button instead of adult words can be categorized:
Biden voters.
Climate Change believers.
Vaxx believers
Those who embrace Public Education
Ukraine supporter.
Roe Vs Wade supporters.

Do your part!!!
Report those who don't support the above agenda now!


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New Member
Is the ministry of truth monitoring this thread?
You perhaps more than others recognize the threat to the human race?
The following is for your amusement.

Looking through the bars of my Facebook Page:

Your memories on Facebook
Chuck, we care about you and the memories you share here. We thought you'd like to look back on this post from 7 years ago.

In or out of Facebook Jail, I find Facebook's desire to enhance my viewing pleasure entertaining and precognitive!
Especially when they jail me for reposting a memory!
Consider America's entropy since the stolen election and its hourly progression into the Leftist abyss.....


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Holy shit, you're still here?? Wasn't the world going to end a couple of weeks ago? You stopped posting all your pathetic nonsense for a while so I figured you were holed up in your bunker. Did it turn out your Infowars Life Select food storage was full of nothing but sawdust and lies so you had to resurface?

By weeks end the NWO Castles will be breached......you will find I am spot on about Ukraine and the treasonous act of the Bushes, the Clinton Crime Family, and Obama and his then....wife, and the Brandon Crime family.
DC is falling.
This was posted 6 weeks ago. I haven't seen any "NWO Castles" being breached, the Bushes are still free, Hilary still walks the streets, Obama is running around doing his thing, Biden is still the legitimate president... Kinda seems like the goalpost keeps moving, which is not uncommon with people of your ilk.


New Member
Holy ****, you're still here?? Wasn't the world going to end a couple of weeks ago? You stopped posting all your pathetic nonsense for a while so I figured you were holed up in your bunker. Did it turn out your Infowars Life Select food storage was full of nothing but sawdust and lies so you had to resurface?

This was posted 6 weeks ago. I haven't seen any "NWO Castles" being breached, the Bushes are still free, Hilary still walks the streets, Obama is running around doing his thing, Biden is still the legitimate president... Kinda seems like the goalpost keeps moving, which is not uncommon with people of your ilk.
How is it you possess knowledge of my past activities for 6 weeks yet are clueless to the world around you?
Thanks for keeping such good tabs on my whereabouts!
Speaking of ilk.....uninformed as always....
You have eyes yet you cannot see?
2000 Mules™ A team you might hail from.....is now informing the world scientifically as most of us knew from the beginning the election was stolen.
Not a big deal to the ignorant, the morally bankrupt or America haters.
President Brandon unleashes the Disinformation Board....prelude to 1938 Germany perhaps?
Hypocrisy on the half shell.
Oops....and the supreme trying to protect the innocent? Imagine being pissed that 92% of the people get abortions do so because the carpet doesn't match the drapes?
The only thing legitimate about Brandon and his supporters is wanton treason.
And the Vaxx??? End of the world you say? Odd you ask?
Look up what MIT has to say about the issue. Any with the jab have been had! Not a big deal in my book except for the innocent.
I apologize the timeline the Left put in place for America's destruction doesn't fit your world view but at least they are failing miserably as they always do with everything they touch.
Strut around like a cock as is your nature if you must but know crow is on the menu.


Graphics Department
How is it you possess knowledge of my past activities for 6 weeks yet are clueless to the world around you?
Thanks for keeping such good tabs on my whereabouts!
Speaking of ilk.....uninformed as always....
You have eyes yet you cannot see?
2000 Mules™ A team you might hail from.....is now informing the world scientifically as most of us knew from the beginning the election was stolen.
Not a big deal to the ignorant, the morally bankrupt or America haters.
President Brandon unleashes the Disinformation Board....prelude to 1938 Germany perhaps?
Hypocrisy on the half shell.
Oops....and the supreme trying to protect the innocent? Imagine being pissed that 92% of the people get abortions do so because the carpet doesn't match the drapes?
The only thing legitimate about Brandon and his supporters is wanton treason.
And the Vaxx??? End of the world you say? Odd you ask?
Look up what MIT has to say about the issue. Any with the jab have been had! Not a big deal in my book except for the innocent.
I apologize the timeline the Left put in place for America's destruction doesn't fit your world view but at least they are failing miserably as they always do with everything they touch.
Strut around like a cock as is your nature if you must but know crow is on the menu.

And yet, with this never-ending wealth of knowledge that you hold, and ever-present ability to foresee the future, you still remain grounded as just a humble Sign Man. I applaud your restraint, seeing all of these superpowers you possess.


New Member
And yet, with this never-ending wealth of knowledge that you hold, and ever-present ability to foresee the future, you still remain grounded as just a humble Sign Man. I applaud your restraint, seeing all of these superpowers you possess.
I call it a Free Speech Rodeo™
Right Wing Constitutional Conservatives attempt to give woke Leftists 8 seconds of respect.
It's a supreme effort.
My super power exposes Leftist Thought in action and deed.
Time is not on your side.
President Brandon unleashes the Disinformation Board....prelude to 1938 Germany perhaps?
If we're talking Nazi stuff, does Lügenpresse sound familiar?
The only thing legitimate about Brandon and his supporters is wanton treason.
Some would call an attempted insurrection treason, no one would call winning an election treason. Get over it, Drumpf lost.
I apologize the timeline the Left put in place for America's destruction doesn't fit your world view but at least they are failing miserably as they always do with everything they touch.
You put that timeline in place, ya loon.

2000 Mules™ A team you might hail from
Yes, a "documentary" written by Dinesh D'Souza. I'm sure it's completely unbiased and verifiable.

Speaking of censorship and moderation, where were your objections and false-indignation when the owner of this board was deleting any post disparaging Trump before the 2020 election? How about when he wrote a script to change when anyone wrote just the word "Trump" to 'Trump 2020".
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New Member
Speaking of censorship and moderation, where were your objections and false-indignation when the owner of this board was deleting any post disparaging Trump before the 2020 election? How about when he wrote a script to change when anyone wrote just the word "Trump" to 'Trump 2020".
Ahhhhh! A Triggered Blazer ... Love it!
I've no idea who the owner of this board might be ... but what you describe is first rate humor!
Imagine the biblical town of Babble when God confused the language. What a hoot!

• Then as now, history repeats.
We are talking Nazi Stuff! You defend it!

• Any who suggest Trump caused an insurrection are fools beholden to ignorance and the Leftist agenda which is 100% anti-American.
The problem is...There is no getting over a stolen election.
Granted the wheels of justice turn slowly....because, thanks to Leftists justice is corrupt.
Not too sure about the Roberts character either.

• Regardless of which pejorative you choose to heap contempt upon me....it doesn't change the fact that you support a treasonous anti-American administration.
All that you use as fodder for an argument, which Im happy to debate is simply untrue propaganda but the worst people ever to hold office.
This includes Obama...our current President by proxy. This will not end well for the woke and the ignorant entering a state of cognitive dissonance..
The Leftist's timeline is one of chaos, hunger, death, and destruction.
Geo Floyd didn't work. The Stolen Election didn't get the party going. The Jab didn't do it. So food plants are burning. Weird, eh?
Contrary to Leftist Research......If the work of Dinesh D'Souza was biased and Unverifiable, it would be worth exactly the value of CNN+ .
The values of "2000 Mules" can be measured in the screams of anguish by people such as yourselves.
Best listen through the filter of NPR though......too much truth will be dangerous to your mental health.
I've no idea who the owner of this board might be ... but what you describe is first rate humor!
I'm sure you do considering his name is simply Signs101Admin and he agrees with a lot of your drivel. So deleting posts that disparage Trump is funny, but if he was deleting your posts about Biden you'd be incensed and screaming "ThE GlObAl EliTeS ArE cEnSoRiNg Me!!1!!!1!" But ha ha, first rate humor since you agree with it.

• Any who suggest Trump caused an insurrection are fools beholden to ignorance and the Leftist agenda which is 100% anti-American.
Any who suggest Biden stole an election without any proof whatsoever and try to overturn said valid election are fools beholden to ignorance and the Right wing extremists agenda, which is 100% anti-American and anti-Democratic.

too much "truth" will be dangerous to your mental health.