We could open a cat ranch.
Don't laugh. Hear me out. I've got an option to lease 40 acres of land nearby. It's all fenced in and ready to go. We stock it with 100,000 female cats and enough males to breed them all. The annual yield should be around 1,000,000 cats a year. The market for cat pelts to fur lined glove manufacturers is 90¢ a piece ... so the gross should come in around $900,000.00 a year.
The problem that plagued me for years with this proposition was, "What do you feed these cats all year when you only have 90¢ a piece to work with?" Then it hit me. It was so obvious!
We run a fence down the middle of the property and put all the cats on one side and stock the other side with about a million rats. Nobody cares about rats and they breed ten times faster than cats. So we feed the rats to the cats and solve that problem.
The only other problem is what do you feed the rats. They don't produce any revenue. Then it hit me. It was so obvious!
After we skin the cats for their pelts, we have their carcasses leftover.
So we feed the rats to the cats and the cats to the rats! We end up with 1,000,000 pelts a year and move to easy street! And we haven't even considered the franchising potential.