You're serious, huh ?? You think these companies who wholesale ONLY to the sign industry don't sell to the end user..... right........ !!
They most certainly sell to anyone who calls in. All of us in the sign industry have connections and we use those contacts and e-mails and phone numbers religiously. Someone looking in a trade magazine will pick up on the same information. You have a very closed mind. The one side of the room will answer phone calls coming in from sign shops, magazine ads and wherever else they advertise, cause we only use specific numbers or contacts. What do think someone googling individual sign letters will find ?? It won't say GEMINI, but it will be their ads representing them 100%, just not by that name. The other side of the room with those phone numbers and e-mail addresses will light up for them. In the instal videos and extras area... it's all right out of the Gemini catalog. And to boot, the prices are just slightly higher than what we pay. Doesn't allow much wiggle room if you have a smart customer.
Huh.........go figure. Just for chits and giggles I googled "sign letters" and right under the usual Gemini listings was this one........with Gemini install videos.
That being said.........not a whole lot you can do or say about North America's biggest letter supplier selling direct. Although I'd be open to alternatives, Gemini has only screwed up one of our orders (Cast bronze letters nonetheless) and they did make it right.
That website is not affiliated with Gemini, they are just reselling Gemini's products. Gemini allows any of their clients to use any photos and text from their website in their own, I am in process of setting up a website showcasing a product we buy from gemini, When I called them they said feel free to use anything I want on the website.
So, in your infinite wisdom're telling me those guys... and perhaps you in the somewhat near future, are not representing Gemini other than by using all of their products, videos, styles, information and whatever else, but are not Gemini ?? Checking out their pricing, free shipping and turnaround, it's actually a better deal than dealing with Gemini. How can they make money, unless Gemini is offering them one walloping continuous discount.... or it basically is already Gemini under a different name ??
So, I'm gonna sell all of McDonald's same identical burgers, french fries, salads, wraps, chicken stuff, sodas, coffee and whatever else they have for about 7% more, but not be McDonald's. I'm gonna use their menu boards, but not use their golden arches or brick buildings. And they aren't gonna mind, huh ?? In fact, they're gonna encourage it.
it's about 10% higher than the suggested retail price from Gemini,
which is already 40% higher than wholesale
I'll give ya that, I forgot about the extra discount, but still, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck..... you're saying it's a goose ??
Okay, you just wanna get the last word in, but to answer the OP's question...... INDIRECTLY they sell to end users at a slightly higher price behind the guise of someone else's name.
Watson..... people, companies and all kinds of businesses will go to great lengths to hide their true identity, just look around here. Recognise anyone ?? Almost everybody is hiding behind fake identities, but you think because they say they aren't..... they aren't. Fine by me. You keep on believing that, but it's just not so. Perhaps Gemini is trying to keep it as wholesale-like as possible, but it's happening and you just don't wanna believe it.![]()
So, in your infinite wisdom're telling me those guys... and perhaps you in the somewhat near future, are not representing Gemini other than by using all of their products, videos, styles, information and whatever else, but are not Gemini ?? Checking out their pricing, free shipping and turnaround, it's actually a better deal than dealing with Gemini. How can they make money, unless Gemini is offering them one walloping continuous discount.... or it basically is already Gemini under a different name ??
So, I'm gonna sell all of McDonald's same identical burgers, french fries, salads, wraps, chicken stuff, sodas, coffee and whatever else they have for about 7% more, but not be McDonald's. I'm gonna use their menu boards, but not use their golden arches or brick buildings. And they aren't gonna mind, huh ?? In fact, they're gonna encourage it.
I don't deny, when you call Gemini or some of these other wholesale companies in the backs of these magazines they'll tell ya they're wholesale only..... they have to do that. All I'm saying is, they are set up to sell to any end user that uses a different phone number or e-mail address...... or just a different approach than what WE know. Do you think the vinyl companies are sign shop exclusively ?? The printer/cutter companies ?? The software companies ?? It only stands to reason, there are not enough sign companies world wide to keep them in busimess, so they find ways to private label their goods and sell to anyone. Those addresses pat found are one example and he found it quite easily. You really think a company that looks identical to another is not a fake front ?? They sell NOTHING else. It's just another avenue for them.
i've always known that anyone can purchase from Gemini, at catalog prices.
we, however, have had wholesale pricing at x% off catalog setup through them for years.