Pixels Are Bad Mmmkay?
New Member
We produce a lot of outdoor signs and some print and cut vehicle decals, but not wraps. We want to move away from Orajet 3951RA and move into 3M IJ175 or IJ180. This material will be used for mostly (70-80% of the time) long-term outdoor signage, such as aluminum panels. The IJ175 comes in unexpectedly much more affordable than Orajet 3951RA and IJ180 series films. Would this material be ideal for outdoor sign panels and the occasional print and cut vehicle decals? Does anyone have a good amount of experience using IJ175 and is it prone to any issues or are we on the right track if we go with this instead of IJ180? The price just has me a little worried, so I'm hoping to get some feedback from others before making the purchase. Thanks!